The neurobench framework for benchmarking neuromorphic computing algorithms and systemsJason Yik, Korneel van den Berghe, Douwe den Blanken, Younes Bouhadjar, Maxime Fabre, Paul Hueber, Weijie Ke, Mina A Khoei, Denis Kleyko, Noah Pacik-Nelson, Alessandro Pierro, Philipp Stratmann, Pao-Sheng Vincent Sun, Guangzhi Tang, Shenqi Wang, Biyan Zhou, Soikat Hasan Ahmed, George Vathakkattil Joseph, Benedetto Leto, Aurora Micheli, Anurag Kumar Mishra, Gregor Lenz, Tao Sun, Zergham Ahmed, Mahmoud Akl, Brian Anderson, Andreas G Andreou, Chiara Bartolozzi, Arindam Basu, Petrut Bogdan, Sander Bohte, Sonia Buckley, Gert Cauwenberghs, Elisabetta Chicca, Federico Corradi, Guido de Croon, Andreea Danielescu, Anurag Daram, Mike Davies, Yigit Demirag, Jason Eshraghian, Tobias Fischer, Jeremy Forest, Vittorio Fra, Steve Furber, P Michael Furlong, William Gilpin, Aditya Gilra, Hector A Gonzalez, Giacomo Indiveri, Siddharth Joshi, Vedant Karia, Lyes Khacef, James C Knight, Laura Kriener, Rajkumar Kubendran, Dhireesha Kudithipudi, Shih-Chii Liu, Yao-Hong Liu, Haoyuan Ma, Rajit Manohar, Josep Maria Margarit-Taule, Christian Mayr, Konstantinos Michmizos, Dylan R Muir, Emre Neftci, Thomas Nowotny, Fabrizio Ottati, Ayca Ozcelikkale, Priyadarshini Panda, Jongkil Park, Melika Payvand, Christian Pehle, Mihai A Petrovici, Christoph Posch, Alpha Renner, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Clemens JS Schaefer, Andre van Schaik, Johannes Schemmel, Samuel Schmidgall, Catherine Schuman, Jae-sun Seo, Sadique Sheik, Sumit Bam Shrestha, Manolis Sifalakis, Amos Sironi, Kenneth Stewart, Matthew Stewart, Terrence C Stewart, Jonathan Timcheck, Nergis Tomen, Gianvito Urgese, Marian Verhelst, Craig M Vineyard, Bernhard Vogginger, Amirreza Yousefzadeh, Fatima Tuz Zohora, Charlotte Frenkel, and Vijay Janapa Reddi · Journal Article · 2025Nature Communications; 2025; Vol. 16; iss. 1
Technologie en rechtGeorges Gielen, Peggy Valcke, Jan De Bruyne, and Victoria Hendrickx · Book · 2025
2024 IEEE European Solid-State Electronics Research ConferenceWim Dehaene, Michiel Steyaert, Patrick Reynaert, Filip Tavernier, Anne Verhulst, James Myers, Marian Verhelst, Georges Gielen, Cor Claeys, and Ann Naeye · Conference Proceeding · 2025IEEE Solid State Circuits Magazine; 2025; Vol. 17; iss. 1; pp. 134 - 135
Adaptive Block-Scaled GeMMs on Vector Processors for DNN Training at the EdgeNitish Satya Murthy, Nathan Laubeuf, Debjyoti Bhattacharjee, Francky Catthoor, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 20242024 IFIP/IEEE 32nd International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC); 2024; pp. 1 - 6
Design Space Exploration of FeRAM Bit Cell for DRAM ApplicationHyungrock Oh, Yang Xiang, Fernando Garcia Redondo, Mohit Kumar Gupta, Manu Perumkunnil, Marie Garcia Bardon, Amit Dhiman, Sathisha Nanjunde Gowda, Amey Walke, Andrea Fantini, Farrukh Yasin, Gouri Sankar Kar, Geert Hellings, and Wim Dehaene · Journal Article · 2024IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices; 2024; Vol. 71; iss. 9; pp. 5380 - 5387
Hardware–Software Co-optimization Through Design Space ExplorationVikram Jain and Marian Verhelst · Book Chapter · 2024Towards Heterogeneous Multi-core Systems-on-Chip for Edge Machine Learning: Journey from Single-core Acceleration to Multi-core Heterogeneous Systems; 2024; pp. 59 - 69
TinyML4D: Scaling Embedded Machine Learning Education in the Developing WorldBrian Plancher, Sebastian Buttrich, Jeremy Ellis, Neena Goveas, Laila Kazimierski, Jesus Lopez Sotelo, Milan Lukic, Diego Mendez, Rosdiadee Nordin, Andres Oliva Trevisan, Massimo Pavan, Manuel Roveri, Marcus Rüb, Jackline Tum, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2024Proceedings of the AAAI symposium series; 2024; Vol. 3; iss. 1; pp. 508 - 515
Silent Data Corruption: Test or Reliability Problem?Erik Jan Marinissen, Harish Dattatraya Dixit, Shawn Blanton, Aaron Kuo, Wei Li, Subhashish Mitra, Chris Nigh, Ruben Purdy, Ben Kaczerl, Dishant Sanganil, Pieter Weckx, Philippe J Roussel, and Georges Gielen · Conference Proceeding · 2024IEEE EUROPEAN TEST SYMPOSIUM, ETS 2024; 2024
An approach for Maximum Power Point Tracking in satellite photovoltaic arraysLuigi Schirone, Pierpaolo Granello, Sergio Massaioli, Matteo Ferrara, and Filippo Pellitteri · Conference Proceeding · 20242024 27TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POWER ELECTRONICS, ELECTRICAL DRIVES, AUTOMATION AND MOTION, SPEEDAM 2024; 2024; pp. 788 - 793
System-Technology Co-Optimization for Dense Edge Architectures Using 3-D Integration and Nonvolatile MemoryLeandro M Giacomini Rocha, Mohamed Naeim, Guilherme Paim, Moritz Brunion, Priya Venugopal, Dragomir Milojevic, James Myers, Mustafa Badaroglu, Marian Verhelst, Julien Ryckaert, and Dwaipayan Biswas · Journal Article · 2024IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits; 2024; Vol. 10; pp. 125 - 134
Stochastic Aware Modeling of Voltage Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy MRAMBowen Wang, Fernando Garcia-Redondo, Marie Garcia Bardon, Hyungrock Oh, Mohit Gupta, Woojin Kim, Diego Favaro, Yukai Chen, and Wim Dehaene · Journal Article · 2024IEEE Transactions On Nanotechnology; 2024; Vol. 23; pp. 144 - 150
The “Eagle” Approach To Train Electrical Engineers With Collaborative Problem-Solving SkillsFereshteh Poormohammadi, Merijn Van Deyck, Martijn Deckers, Abdul Saboor, Bowen Wang, Pouya Mehrjouseresht, Zhenda Zhang, Arne Symons, Pieter Pas, Alexander Bodard, Hans van Rooij, Marian Verhelst, Alexander Bertrand, Ruth Sabariego, Panagiotis Patrinos, and Peter Coppens · Conference Proceeding · 202351st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI); 2023; pp.