Josse Van Delm was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1997.
In 2019 he received the M.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering Technology from KU Leuven De Nayer campus in Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium. The title of his Master's thesis was "RGB-to-Thermal Image Transformation using Generative Neural Networks".
In 2021 he received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from KU Leuven, Belgium. The title of his second Master's thesis was "Deep Learning Compiler for Hardware Accelerators and Embedded Devices".
Josse is very passionate about open-source hard- and software. In the summers of 2019 and 2020 he was with Open Knowledge Belgium's Open Summer of Code.
Currently, he is a research assistant at MICAS where he is working towards a PhD degree on compilers for AI accelerators, under the guidance of Prof. dr. ir. Marian Verhelst.
Digitale Elektronica En Processoren (B-KUL-H01L1A)