-Mixed-Signal Design
-Data Converters
-Event-Based ADCs and Systems
Jonah Van Assche received the M.Sc. degrees in
nanotechnology from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
(KU Leuven), Leuven, Belgium and from Kungliga
Tekniska högskolan Stockholm (KTH Stockholm),
Stockholm, Sweden, in 2018. He is currently working
toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at
the MICAS research group at KU Leuven, under
the supervision of Prof. Georges Gielen. His current
research interests include mixed-signal circuits for
adaptive sensor readout, sense -and compress front-
ends and circuits for biomedical sensors.
2018-2022 P&O EAGLE
2022-2023 Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits for Signal Processing