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An Always-On 3.8 mu J/86% CIFAR-10 Mixed-Signal Binary CNN Processor With All Memory on Chip in 28-nm CMOS Daniel Bankman, Lita Yang, Bert Moons, Marian Verhelst, and Boris Murmann · Journal Article · 2019 IEEE Journal Of Solid-State Circuits; 2019; Vol. 54; iss. 1; pp. 158 - 172
A high-bandwidth fine-pitch 2.57Tbps/mm in-package communication link achieving 48fJ/bit/mm efficiency N Pantano, G Van der Plas, P Bex, P Nolmans, D Velenis, M Verhelst, and E Beyne · Conference Proceeding · 2019 2019 IEEE 69TH ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (ECTC); 2019; pp. 674 - 681
Ultrasound In-Body Communication with OFDM through Multipath Realistic Channels Thomas Bos, Wim Dehaene, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2019 2019 IEEE BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS CONFERENCE (BIOCAS 2019); 2019; pp.
18μW SoC for near-microphone Keyword Spotting and Speaker Verification Juan Sebastian Piedrahita Giraldo, Steven Lauwereins, Komail Badami, Hugo Van hamme, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2019 2019 Symposium on VLSI Circuits; 2019; pp.
A 5GS/s 158.6mW 12b Passive-Sampling 8×-Interleaved Hybrid ADC with 9.4 ENOB and 160.5dB FoMS in 28nm CMOS Athanasios Ramkaj, Juan Carlos Pena Ramos, Yifan Lyu, Maarten Strackx, Marcel Pelgrom, Michiel Steyaert, Marian Verhelst, and Filip Tavernier · Conference Proceeding · 2019 ISSCC; 2019; Vol. 62; pp. 62 - 64
On Hardware-Aware Probabilistic Frameworks for Resource Constrained Embedded Applications Laura I Galindez Olascoaga, Wannes Meert, Nimish Shah, Guy Van den Broeck, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2019 FIFTH WORKSHOP ON ENERGY EFFICIENT MACHINE LEARNING AND COGNITIVE COMPUTING - NEURIPS EDITION (EMC2-NIPS 2019); 2019; pp. 66 - 70
Survey of Precision-Scalable Multiply-Accumulate Units for Neural-Network Processing Vincent Camus, Christian Enz, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2019 2019 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (AICAS 2019); 2019; pp. 57 - 61
Dynamic Sensor-Frontend Tuning for Resource Efficient Embedded Classification Laura Isabel Galindez Olascoaga, K Badami, J Vlasselaer, W Meert, and M Verhelst · Journal Article · 2018 IEEE Journal On Emerging And Selected Topics In Circuits And Systems; 2018; Vol. 8; iss. 4; pp. 858 - 872
Optimized Hierarchical Cascaded Processing Koen Goetschalckx, Bert Moons, Steven Lauwereins, Martin Andraud, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2018 IEEE Journal On Emerging And Selected Topics In Circuits And Systems; 2018; Vol. 8; iss. 4; pp. 884 - 894
Architecture optimization for energy-efficient resolution-scalable 8-12-bit SAR ADCs Thomas Bos, Komail Badami, Wim Dehaene, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2018 Analog Integrated Circuits And Signal Processing; 2018; Vol. 97; iss. 3; pp. 437 - 448
A Fully Configurable Non-Linear Mixed-Signal Interface for Multi-Sensor Analytics Juan-Carlos Pena-Ramos, Komail Badami, Steven Lauwereins, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2018 IEEE Journal Of Solid-State Circuits; 2018; Vol. 53; iss. 11; pp. 3140 - 3149
Digital Enhancement of SAR ADCs J Peña Ramos · Dissertation · 2018
A 0.6V 54DB SNR Analog Frontend with 0.18% THD for Low Power Sensory Applications in 65NM CMOS K Badami, KD Murthy, P Harpe, and M Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Digest of Technical Papers; 2018; Vol. 2018-June; pp. 241 - 242
From on-chip self-healing to self-adaptivity in analog/RF ICs: Challenges and opportunities M Andraud and M Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE 24th International Symposium on On-Line Testing and Robust System Design, IOLTS 2018; 2018; pp. 131 - 134
Towards resource-efficient classifiers for always-on monitoring Jonas Vlasselaer, Wannes Meert, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD); 2018; Vol. 11053 LNAI; pp. 305 - 321
Evolving hardware instinctive behaviors in resource-scarce agent swarms exploring hard-to-reach environments M Andraud, E Cantatore, A Hallawa, G Ascheid, J De Roose, and M Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 GECCO 2018 Companion - Proceedings of the 2018 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion; 2018; pp. 1497 - 1504
Efficiently Combining SVD, Pruning, Clustering and Retraining for Enhanced Neural Network Compression Koen Goetschalckx, Bert Moons, Patrick Wambacq, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 EMDL'18: 2nd International Workshop on Embedded and Mobile Deep Learning , June 15, 2018, Munich, Germany; 2018; pp.
Distributed adaptive signal estimation in wireless sensor networks with noise in the exchanged signals F de la Hucha Arce, Marc Moonen, Marian Verhelst, and A Bertrand · Other · 2018
Feature Noise Tuning for Resource Efficient Bayesian Network Classifiers Laura Isabel Galindez Olascoaga, Jonas Vlasselaer, Wannes Meert, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 ESANN 2018 proceedings, European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning.; 2018; pp. 147 - 152
BinarEye: An Always-On Energy-Accuracy-Scalable Binary CNN Processor With All Memory On Chip in 28nm CMOS Bert Moons, Daniel Bankman, Lita Yang, Boris Murmann, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE CUSTOM INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CONFERENCE (CICC); 2018; Vol. abs/1804.05554; pp. 1 - 4
An Always-On 3.8uJ/86% CIFAR-10 Mixed-Signal Binary CNN Processor with All Memory on Chip in 28nm CMOS Daniel Bankman, Lita Yang, Bert Moons, Marian Verhelst, and Boris Murmann · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE - (ISSCC); 2018; Vol. 61; pp. 222 - 224
Mixed-Signal Programmable Non-Linear Interface for Resource-Efficient Multi-Sensor Analytics Komail Badami, JC Peña Ramos, Steven Lauwereins, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE - (ISSCC); 2018; Vol. 61; pp. 344 - +
A multi-layered energy consumption model for smart wireless acoustic sensor networks Gert Dekkers, Fernando Rosas, Steven Lauwereins, Steven Rajendran, Sofie Pollin, Bart Vanrumste, Toon van Waterschoot, Marian Verhelst, and Peter Karsmakers · Text Resource · 2018 CoRR; 2018; Vol. abs/1812.06672
Bit Error Tolerance of a CIFAR-10 Binarized Convolutional Neural Network Processor Lita Yang, Daniel Bankman, Bert Moons, Marian Verhelst, and Boris Murmann · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (ISCAS); 2018; Vol. 2018-May; pp.
Exploiting FDSOI towards minimum energy point operation in processors and machine learning accelerators Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 ESSCIRC 2018 - IEEE 44TH EUROPEAN SOLID STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE (ESSCIRC); 2018; pp. 217 - 217
Laika: A 5uW programmable LSTM accelerator for always-on keyword spotting in 65nm CMOS JSP Giraldo and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 ESSCIRC 2018 - IEEE 44TH EUROPEAN SOLID STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE (ESSCIRC); 2018; pp. 166 - 169
Exploiting FDSOI towards minimum energy point operation in processors and machine learning accelerators Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 48TH EUROPEAN SOLID-STATE DEVICE RESEARCH CONFERENCE (ESSDERC); 2018; pp. 157 - 157
Flexible and Self-adaptive Sense-and-Compress for sub-microWatt always-on sensory recording Jaro De Roose, Haoming Xin, Martin Andraud, Pieter JA Harpe, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 ESSCIRC 2018 - IEEE 44TH EUROPEAN SOLID STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE (ESSCIRC); 2018; pp. 282 - 285
U.S. patent: System and method for cuffless blood pressure estimation Venkata Rajesh Pamula and Marian Verhelst · Other · 2018
On the use of Bayesian Networks for Resource-Efficient Self-Calibration of Analog/RF ICs Martin Andraud, Laura Galindez, Yichuan Lu, Yiorgos Makris, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL TEST CONFERENCE (ITC); 2018; Vol. 2018-October; pp.
Modelling of Channels for Intra-Corporal Ultrasound Communication Wentao Jiang, thomas Bos, wim Dehaene, Marian Verhelst, and jan D'hooge · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS); 2018; Vol. 2018-October; pp.
TRIG: Hardware Accelerator for Inference-Based Applications and Experimental Demonstration Using Carbon Nanotube FETs Gage Hills, Daniel Bankman, Bert Moons, Lita Yang, Jake Hillard, Alex Kahng, Rebecca Park, Marian Verhelst, Boris Murmann, Max M Shulaker, H-S Philip Wong, and Subhasish Mitra · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 55TH ACM/ESDA/IEEE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE (DAC); 2018; Vol. Part F137710; pp.
Successive Parabolic Interpolation as Extremum Seeking Control for Microbial Fuel & Electrolysis Cells Tom Molderez, Bas de Wit, Korneel Rabaey, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2017 IECON 2017 - 43RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY; 2017; Vol. 2017-January; pp. 3128 - 3133
Minimum Energy Quantized Neural Networks Bert Moons, Koen Goetschalckx, Nick Van Berckelaer, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 FIFTY-FIRST ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS, AND COMPUTERS; 2017; Vol. 2017-October; pp. 1921 - 1925
Embedded Deep Neural Network Processing: Algorithmic and Processor Techniques Bring Deep Learning to IoT and Edge Devices Marian Verhelst and Bert Moons · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine ; 2017; Vol. 9; iss. 4; pp. 55 - 65
The SINS database for detection of daily activities in a home environment using an Acoustic Sensor Network Gert Dekkers, Steven Lauwereins, Bart Thoen, Mulu Weldegebreal Adhana, Henk Brouckxon, Bertold Van den Bergh, Toon van Waterschoot, Bart Vanrumste, Marian Verhelst, and Peter Karsmakers · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017; 2017; pp. 1 - 5
Optimal Tiling Strategy for Memory Bandwidth Reduction for CNNs Leonardo Cecconi, Sander Smets, Luca Benini, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2017 ADVANCED CONCEPTS FOR INTELLIGENT VISION SYSTEMS (ACIVS 2017); 2017; Vol. 10617; pp. 89 - 100
Adaptive Quantization for Multichannel Wiener Filter-Based Speech Enhancement in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks Fernando de la Hucha Arce, Marc Moonen, Marian Verhelst, and Alexander Bertrand · Journal Article · 2017 Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing; 2017; Vol. 2017; pp.
Instinct-driven dynamic hardware reconfiguration: evolutionary algorithm optimized compression for autonomous sensory agents Ahmed Hallawa, Jaro De Roose, Martin Andraud, Marian Verhelst, and Gerd Ascheid · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference GECCO ; 2017; pp. 1727 - 1734
An integrated sensor board for real-time optimization of the electrical settings of a microbial electrolysis cell Tom R Molderez, Xu Zhang, Marian Verhelst, and Korneel Rabaey · Other · 2017
Multidisciplinary Learning through Implementation of the DVB-S2 Standard Yuri Murillo Mange, Bertold Van den Bergh, Jona Beysens, Alexander Bertrand, Wim Dehaene, Panos Patrinos, Tinne Tuytelaars, Ruth Sabariego, Marian Verhelst, Patrick Wambacq, and Sofie Pollin · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Communications Magazine; 2017; Vol. 55; iss. 5; pp. 124 - 130
Adaptive quantization for speech enhancement in wireless acoustic sensor networks Fernando de la Hucha Arce, Marc Moonen, Marian Verhelst, and Alexander Bertrand · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Proc. of the 2017 Symposium on Information Theory and Signal Processing in the Benelux ; 2017; pp. 105 - 106
An Energy-Efficient Precision-Scalable ConvNet Processor in 40-nm CMOS Bert Moons and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2017; Vol. 52; iss. 4; pp. 903 - 914
DVAFS: Trading Computational Accuracy for Energy Through Dynamic-Voltage-Accuracy-Frequency-Scaling Bert Moons, Roel Uytterhoeven, Wim Dehaene, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) ; 2017; Vol. 20; pp. 488 - 493
Exploring the unknown through successive generations of low power and low resource versatile agents Martin Andraud, Gonenc Berkol, Jaro De Roose, Santosh Gannavarapu, Haoming Xin, Eugenio Cantatore, Pieter Harpe, Marian Verhelst, and Pieter Baltus · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Proceedings of Design Automation and Test conference 2017; 2017; pp. 290 - 293
Saving energy in WSNs for acoustic surveillance applications while maintaining QoS Bart Thoen, Geoffrey Ottoy, Fernando Rosas, Steven Lauwereins, Sreeraj Rajendran, Lieven De Strycker, Sofie Pollin, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Proceedings 2017 IEEE SENSORS APPLICATIONS SYMPOSIUM (SAS) ; 2017; pp. 1 - 6
Envision: A 0.26-to-10 TOPS/W Subword-Parallel Dynamic-Voltage-Accuracy-Frequency-Scalable Convolutional Neural Network Processor in 28nm FDSOI Bert Moons, Roel Uytterhoeven, Wim Dehaene, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2017 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) ; 2017; Vol. 60; pp. 246 - 247
Split-Delta Background Calibration for SAR ADCs JC Peña Ramos and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2, Express Briefs ; 2017; Vol. 64; iss. 2; pp. 221 - 225
Impact of Interference Correlation on the Decoding Error Statistics Fernando Rosas, Konstantinos Manolakis, Christian Oberli, M Mahdi Azari, Marian Verhelst, and Sofie Pollin · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 FIFTY-FIRST ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS, AND COMPUTERS; 2017; Vol. 2017-October; pp. 1115 - 1119
System and Method for Heart Rate Detection with Motion Artifact Reduction Venkata Rajesh Pamula and Marian Verhelst · Other · 2017
A 172 $\mu$W Compressively Sampled Photoplethysmographic (PPG) readout ASIC with Heart Rate Estimation Directly from Compressively Sampled Data Venkata Rajesh Pamula, Jose Manuel Valero-Sarmiento, Long Yan, Alper Bozkurt, Chris Van Hoof, Nick Van Helleputte, Refet Firat Yazicioglu, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems ; 2017; Vol. 11; iss. 3; pp. 487 - 496
An 8-11 Bit 320kS/S Resolution Scalable Noise Shaping SAR ADC Thomas Bos, Komail Badami, Wim Dehaene, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 15th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference ; 2017; Vol. 15; pp. 209 - 212
A review on Internet of Things Solutions for Intelligent Energy control in buildings for smart city applications Iman Khajenasiri, Abouzar Estebsari, Marian Verhelst, and Georges Gielen · Conference Proceeding · 2017 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABILITY IN ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, SEB-16; 2017; Vol. 111; pp. 770 - 779
An ultra-low power, robust photoplethysmographic readout exploiting compressive sampling, artifact reduction and sensor fusion Venkata Rajesh Pamula, Chris Van Hoof, and Marian Verhelst · Book Chapter · 2017 Hybrid ADCs, Smart Sensors for the IoT, and sub-1V & Advanced Node Analog Circuit Design ; 2017; pp. 145 - 163
Custom Processor Design for Efficient, yet Flexible Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow Sander Smets, Toon Goedemé, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2016 Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), 2016 Conference on ; 2016; pp. 138 - 145
An OFDM based local positioning system Robin Theunis, Tuba Ayhan, Nico De Clercq, Paramartha Indirayanti, Tom Redant, Risang Gatot Yudanto, Johan Cockx, Frederik Petre, Patrick Reynaert, Marian Verhelst, Paul Leroux, and Wim Dehaene · Conference Proceeding · 2016 Indoor positioning and indoor navigation 2016 ; 2016; pp. 1 - 4
Generalized Signal Utility for LMMSE Signal Estimation With Application to Greedy Quantization in Wireless Sensor Networks Fernando de la Hucha Arce, Fernando Rosas, Marc Moonen, Marian Verhelst, and Alexander Bertrand · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Signal Processing Letters; 2016; Vol. 23; iss. 9; pp. 1202 - 1206
A 0.3-2.6 TOPS/W Precision-Scalable Processor for Real-Time Large-Scale ConvNets Bert Moons and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2016 2016 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON VLSI CIRCUITS (VLSI-CIRCUITS); 2016; Vol. 2016-September; pp.
Energy-Efficient ConvNets through Approximate Computing Bert Moons, Bert De Brabandere, Luc Van Gool, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2016 Proceedings WACV 2016 ; 2016; pp. 1 - 8
Understanding Interdependency Through Complex Information Sharing Fernando Rosas, Vasilis Ntranos, Christopher J Ellison, Sofie Pollin, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2016 Entropy; 2016; Vol. 18; iss. 2; pp. 146 - 153
Technology optimization for high bandwidth density applications on 3D interposer Nicolas Pantano, Cesar Roda Neve, Geert Van der Plas, Mikael Detalle, Marian Verhelst, Marc Heyns, and Eric Beyne · Conference Proceeding · 2016 2016 6TH ELECTRONIC SYSTEM-INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (ESTC); 2016; iss. 1; pp. 1 - 6
A 172_x0019_$lW compressive sampling photoplethysmographic readout with embedded direct heart-rate and variability extraction from compressively sampled data Venkata Rajesh Pamula, Jose Manuel Valero Sarmiento, Long Yan, Alper Bozkurt, Chris Van Hoof, Nick Van Helleputte, Refet Firat Yazicioglu, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2016 IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference - ISSCC; 2016; Vol. 59; pp. 386 - 387
Extending naive Bayes with precision-tunable feature variables for resource-efficient sensor fusion Laura Isabel Galindez Olascoaga, W Meert, H Bruyninckx, and M Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2016 CEUR Workshop Proceedings; 2016; Vol. 1724; pp. 23 - 30
Energy-Efficient Digital Front-End Processor for 60 GHz Polar Transmitter Chunshu Li, Yanxiang Huang, K Khalaf, A Bourdoux, Marian Verhelst, Liesbet Van der Perre, and Sofie Pollin · Journal Article · 2016 Journal of Signal Processing Systems ; 2016; Vol. 90; iss. 5; pp. 777 - 789
Finite-horizon prediction of energy depletions in off-grid wireless networks A Anttonen, A Kotelba, Marian Verhelst, and A Mämmelä · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ; 2016; Vol. 65; iss. 8; pp. 6731 - 6736
A 90 nm CMOS, 6 μW Power-Proportional Acoustic Sensing Frontend for Voice Activity Detection Komail Badami, Steven Lauwereins, Wannes Meert, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits; 2016; Vol. 51; iss. 1; pp. 291 - 302
A Switched-Capacitor degenerated, scalable gm - C filter-bank for acoustic front-ends Komail Badami, Venkata Rajesh Pamula, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2016 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS (ISCAS) ; 2016; Vol. 2016; pp. 818 - 821
A 17nA, 47.2dB Dynamic Range, Adaptive Sampling Controller for Online Data Rate Reduction in Low Power ECG Systems Venkata Rajesh Pamula, Marian Verhelst, Chris Van Hoof, and Refet Firat Yazicioglu · Conference Proceeding · 2016 IEEE Conference on Biomedical Circuits and Systems ; 2016; pp. 272 - 275
Exploiting System Configurability towards Dynamic Accuracy-Power Trade-offs in Sensor Front-ends Laura Isabel Galindez Olascoaga, Komail Badami, V Rajesh Pamula, Steven Lauwereins, Wannes Meert, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2016 2016 50TH ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS; 2016; pp. 1027 - 1031
Performance Analysis of In-Band Full Duplex Collision and Interference Detection in Dense Networks Tom Vermeulen, Fernando Rosas, Marian Verhelst, and Sofie Pollin · Conference Proceeding · 2016 2016 13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) ; 2016; pp. 595 - 601
Optimizing the Code Rate of Energy-Constrained Wireless Communications with HARQ Fernando Rosas, Richard Demo Souza, Marcelo Pellenz, Christian Oberli, Marian Verhelst, and Sofie Pollin · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications ; 2016; Vol. 1; iss. 1; pp. 191 - 205
PHIDIAS: Ultra-low-power holistic design for smart bio-signals computing platforms D Bortolotti, A Bartolini, L Benini, Venkata Rajesh Pamula, Nick Van Helleputte, Chris Van Hoof, Marian Verhelst, Tobias Gemmeke, R Braojos Lopez, G Ansaloni, D Atienza, and P Vandergheynst · Conference Proceeding · 2016 ACM Conference on Computing Frontiers - CF ; 2016; pp. 309 - 314
ENERGY-VS-PERFORMANCE TRADE-OFFS IN SPEECH ENHANCEMENT IN WIRELESS ACOUSTIC SENSOR NETWORKS Fernando de la Hucha Arce, Fernando Rosas, Marc Moonen, Marian Verhelst, and Alexander Bertrand · Conference Proceeding · 2015 2015 23RD EUROPEAN SIGNAL PROCESSING CONFERENCE (EUSIPCO); 2015; pp. 1561 - 1565
Optimal resource usage in ultra-low-power sensor interfaces through context- and resource-cost-aware machine learning Steven Lauwereins, Komail Badami, Wannes Meert, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2015 Neurocomputing ; 2015; Vol. 169; pp. 236 - 245
A novel feature extraction algorithm for on the sensor node processing of compressive sampled photoplethysmography signals Marian Verhelst, Venkata Rajesh Pamula, Chris Van Hoof, and Refet Firat Yazicioglu · Conference Proceeding · 2015 IEEE Sensors ; 2015; pp. 873 - 876
Using Mobility for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Multihop Communications Fernando Rosas, Mohammad Mahdi Azari, Bertold Van den Bergh, Richard Demo Souza, Sofie Pollin, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2015 2015 49TH ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS; 2015; Vol. 2016-February; pp. 469 - 474
A Low-Energy Ultra-Wideband Internet-of-Things Radio System for Multi-Standard Smart-Home Energy Management Iman Khajenasiri, Peng Zhu, Marian Verhelst, and Georges Gielen · Journal Article · 2015 IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing; 2015; Vol. 4; iss. 5; pp. 354 - 365
An Energy-Scalable In-Band Full Duplex Architecture Tom Vermeulen, Fernando Rosas, Barend van Liempd, Marian Verhelst, and Sofie Pollin · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2015 IEEE 20th International Workshop on ; 2015; pp. 22 - 26
Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Signal Processing in Deeply Technology-Scaled Transceivers Chunshu Li, Min Li, Khaled Khalaf, André Bourdoux, Marian Verhelst, Mark Ingels, Piet Wambacq, Jan Craninckx, Liesbet Van der Perre, and Sofie Pollin · Journal Article · 2015 Journal of Signal Processing Systems ; 2015; Vol. 78; iss. 1; pp. 5 - 19
Energy-Efficient MIMO Multihop Communications Using the Antenna Selection Scheme Fernando Rosas, Richard Demo Souza, Marian Verhelst, and Sofie Pollin · Conference Proceeding · 2015 2015 12TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (ISWCS); 2015; Vol. 2016-April; pp.
DVAS: Dynamic Voltage Accuracy Scaling for Increased Energy-Efficiency in Approximate Computing Bert Moons and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2015 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED) ; 2015; Vol. 2015-September; pp. 237 - 242
Introduction to the Special Issue on the 40th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) Angelo Nagari, Kenichi Okada, and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Journal Of Solid-State Circuits; 2015; Vol. 50; iss. 7; pp. 1512 - 1515
Where Analog Meets Digital: Analog-to-Information Conversion and Beyond Marian Verhelst and Ahmad Bahai · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine ; 2015; Vol. 7; iss. 3; pp. 67 - 80
A mm-Precise 60 GHz Transmitter in 40 nm CMOS for Discrete-Carrier Indoor Localization Paramartha Indirayanti, Tuba Ayhan, Marian Verhelst, Wim Dehaene, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2015; Vol. 50; iss. 7; pp. 1604 - 1617
Understanding high-order correlations using a synergy-based decomposition of the total entropy Fernando Rosas, Vasilis Ntranos, Christopher Ellison, Marian Verhelst, and Sofie Pollin · Conference Proceeding · 2015
Context-Aware Hierarchical Information-Sensing in a 6μW 90nm CMOS Voice Activity Detector Komail Badami, Steven Lauwereins, Wannes Meert, and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2015 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE DIGEST OF TECHNICAL PAPERS (ISSCC) ; 2015; Vol. 58; pp. 430 - 432
Built-In Self-Test of Transmitter I/Q Mismatch and Nonlinearity Using Self-Mixing Envelope Detector Afsaneh Nassery, Srinath Byregowda, Sule Ozev, Marian Verhelst, and Mustapha Slamani · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration (Vlsi) Systems; 2015; Vol. 23; iss. 2; pp. 331 - 341
Innovation Lab @ KU Leuven: Education, Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Wannes Meert, Vincent Nys, Robin Theunis, Thomas Fannes, Monique Ingels, Tias Guns, Guy Van den Broeck, Kurt Driessens, Danny De Schreye, and Marian Verhelst · Text Resource · 2015
Non-iterative method for finding optimised switching sequence to compensate gradient errors in current-steered DAC Chunshu Li, Marian Verhelst, andre bourdoux, Liesbet Van der Perre, and sofie pollin · Journal Article · 2015 Electronics Letters ; 2015; Vol. 51; iss. 2; pp. 138 - 139
Efficient timing mismatch correction for low-cost digital-mixing transmitter Chunshu Li, Marian Verhelst, min li, André Bourdoux, Mark Ingels, Liesbet Van der Perre, and Sofie Pollin · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing ; 2015; Vol. 63; iss. 24; pp. 6553 - 6564
Redundancy Effect on the Performance of Digitally Assisted SAR ADCs JC Peña Ramos and Marian Verhelst · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2015 IEEE International Conference on ; 2015; Vol. 2016-March; pp. 276 - 279
Heart and variability estimation with direct computations on compressively sampled photoplethysomographic signals Venkata Rajesh Pamula, Marian Verhelst, Chris Van Hoof, and Refet Firat Yazicioglu · Conference Proceeding · 2015 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference - BioCAS ; 2015
On the General Mathematical Framework, Calibration/Compensation Method, and Applications of Non-Ideal Software Defined Harmonics Rejection Transceivers Chunshu Li, Min Li, Marian Verhelst, Andre Bourdoux, Liesbet Van der Perre, and Sofie Pollin · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 1, Regular Papers ; 2015; Vol. 62; iss. 1; pp. 292 - 301
Energy-efficiency and accuracy of stochastic computing circuits in emerging technologies Bert Moons and Marian Verhelst · Journal Article · 2014 IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems ; 2014; Vol. 4; iss. 4; pp. 475 - 486
CLAWS: Cross-Layer Adaptable Wireless System enabling full cross-layer experimentation on real-time software-defined 802.15.4 Bertold Van den Bergh, Tom Vermeulen, Marian Verhelst, and Sofie Pollin · Journal Article · 2014 Eurasip Journal On Wireless Communications And Networking; 2014; Vol. 2014; iss. 1; pp.