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A 0.5 V-1.4 V supply-independent frequency-based analog-to-digital converter with fast start-up time for wireless sensor networks Wouter Volkaerts, Bart Marien, Hans Danneels, Valentijn De Smedt, Patrick Reynaert, Wim Dehaene, and Georges Gielen · Conference Proceeding · 2010 2010 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ; 2010; pp. 3096 - 3099
A 100 GHz Transformer-Coupled Fully Differential Amplifier in 90 nm CMOS Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2010 2010 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium ; 2010; pp. 359 - 362
Power Efficient Distributed Low-Noise Amplifier in 90 nm CMOS Brecht Machiels, Patrick Reynaert, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2010 2010 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium ; 2010; pp. 131 - 134
A Fully Digital GHz-Range Multimode Transmitter Front-End Based on Locked Delay Lines Pieter AJ Nuyts, Peter Singerl, Franz Dielacher, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Conference Proceeding · 2010 Proceedings of the Second Annual European Reconfigurable Radio Technologies Workshop ; 2010; pp. 126 - 128
Challenges for Mobile Terminal CMOS Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert · Book Chapter · 2010 Analog Circuit Design ; 2010; pp. 295 - 304
CMOS RF PA Design: using Complexity to solve the Linearity and Efficiency Trade-Off Patrick Reynaert, Brecht François, and Ercan Kaymaksut · Conference Proceeding · 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency. Integration Technology; 2009; pp. 207 - 212
mm-Wave IC Design in CMOS Patrick Reynaert and Noël Deferm · Conference Proceeding · 2009
Design Considerations for 60 GHz Transformer-Coupled CMOS Power Amplifiers Debopriyo Chowdhury, Patrick Reynaert, and Ali M Niknejad · Journal Article · 2009 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2009; Vol. 44; iss. 10; pp. 2733 - 2744
Nano-meter CMOS goes Millimeter Wave Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Text Resource · 2009
Design and analysis of a 90 nm mm-wave oscillator using inductive-division LC tank L Li, P Reynaert, and MS Steyaert · Journal Article · 2009 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2009; Vol. 44; iss. 7; pp. 1950 - 1958
A low power mm-wave oscillator using power matching techniques L Li, P Reynaert, and M Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2009 Digest of Papers - IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium; 2009; pp. 469 - 472
CMOS RF Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2009
Distortion in polar modulated CMOS RF power amplifiers Patrick Reynaert and Michel Steyaert · Journal Article · 2009 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing ; 2009; Vol. 59; iss. 1; pp. 13 - 20
Challenges for Mobile Terminal CMOS Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert, Brecht François, and Ercan Kaymaksut · Conference Proceeding · 2009 ANALOG CIRCUIT DESIGN; 2009; pp. 295 - 304
RF and mm-wave CMOS PAs Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2009
Device, Circuit, and System Considerations for 60 GHz CMOS AM Niknejad, E Adabi, B HEYDARI, M Bohsali, B Afshar, D Chowdhury, and P Reynaert · Journal Article · 2009 IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences ; 2009; Vol. E92A; iss. 2; pp. 350 - 359
RF Communication Circuits Michiel Steyaert, Wouter De Cock, and Patrick Reynaert · Book Chapter · 2009 Analog and VLSI Circuits ; 2009; pp. 305 - 336
CMOS RF PA Design: using Complexity to solve the Linearity and Efficiency Trade-Off Patrick Reynaert, Brecht Francois, and Ercan Kaymaksut · Conference Proceeding · 2009 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RADIO-FREQUENCY INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY (RFIT 2009); 2009; pp. 298 - 303
Accurate device modeling and sub-system design for SiGe and CMOS SIMMWIC’s Ilja Ocket, Patrick Reynaert, Seyed Majid Homayouni, Lianming Li, Dominique Schreurs, and Bart Nauwelaers · Other · 2008 Workshop on `Modelling, Circuit Design and Measurement Techniques for Millimeter Wave Systems' ; 2008; pp. 1 - 19
A 90nm CMOS mm-wave VCO using an LC Tank with Inductive Division Lianming Li, Patrick Reynaert, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2008 ESSCIRC 2008: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 34TH EUROPEAN SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE; 2008; pp. 238 - 241
Mm-wave Circuit Design in CMOS Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2008
Transformer-coupled power amplifier stability and power back-off analysis Debopriyo Chowdhury, Patrick Reynaert, and Ali M Niknejad · Journal Article · 2008 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2, Express Briefs ; 2008; Vol. 55; iss. 6; pp. 507 - 511
CMOS power amplifiers for mobile terminals Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2008
RF-CMOS: Analog Circuits and Digital Techniques Michel Steyaert, Fréderique Gobert, Lianming Li, Brecht Machiels, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2008
A 5.8 GHz 1 V linear power amplifier using a novel on-chip transformer power combiner in standard 90 nm CMOS Peter Haldi, Debopriyo Chowdhury, Patrick Reynaert, Gang Liu, and Ali M Niknejad · Journal Article · 2008 IEEE journal of solid-state circuits ; 2008; Vol. 43; iss. 5; pp. 1054 - 1063
Self-oscillating RF amplifiers Patrick Reynaert, Willem Laflere, Michel Steyaert, and Jan Craninckx · Other · 2008
A 60GHz 1V +12.3dBm Transformer-Coupled Wideband PA in 90nm CMOS Debopriyo Chowdhury, Patrick Reynaert, and Ali M Niknejad · Conference Proceeding · 2008 Digest of Technical Papers ; 2008; Vol. 51; pp. 560 - 561
Power Combining Techniques for RF and mm-wave CMOS Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert, Mounir Bohsali, Debopriyo Chowdhury, and Ali M Niknejad · Conference Proceeding · 2008 Analog Circuit Design ; 2008; pp. 115 - 143
A 60-GHz 90-nm CMOS cascode amplifier with interstage matching B Heydari, P Reynaert, E Adabi, M Bohsali, B Afshar, MA Arbabian, and AM Niknejad · Conference Proceeding · 2007 European Microwave Week 2007 Conference Proceedings, EuMW 2007 - 2nd European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2007; 2007; pp. 88 - 91
A 60GHz 90nm CMOS Cascade amplifier with interstage matching Babak Heydari, Patrick Reynaert, Ehsan Adabi, Mounir Bohsali, Bagher Afshar, Ali M Arbabian, and Ali M Niknejad · Conference Proceeding · 2007 2007 EUROPEAN MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2; 2007; pp. 225 - 228
Power Combining Techniques for RF and mm-wave CMOS Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert and Ali M Niknejad · Conference Proceeding · 2007 ESSCIRC 2007: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 33RD EUROPEAN SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE; 2007; pp. 272 - 275
A 2.45-GHz 0.13-mu m CMOS PA with parallel amplification Patrick Reynaert and Michel Steyaert · Journal Article · 2007 IEEE journal of solid-state circuits ; 2007; Vol. 42; iss. 3; pp. 551 - 562
RF Power Amplifiers for Mobile Communications Patrick Reynaert and Michel Steyaert · Book · 2006
A 1.75GHz GSM/EDGE polar modulated CMOS RF power amplifier P Reynaert and M Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2005 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference; 2005; Vol. 48
A 1.75-GHz polar modulated CMOS RF power amplifier for GSM-EDGE Patrick Reynaert and MSJ Steyaert · Journal Article · 2005 IEEE journal of solid-state circuits ; 2005; Vol. 40; iss. 12; pp. 2598 - 2608
A Fully Integrated CMOS RF Power Amplifier with Parallel Power Combining and Power Control Patrick Reynaert and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2005 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2005; pp. 137 - 140
A 0.18 um CMOS switched capacitor voltage modulator Koen Cornelissens, Patrick Reynaert, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2005 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2005; pp. 375 - 378
Digital Communication Systems : the Problem of Analog Interface Circuits Michel Steyaert, Frederique Gobert, Carolien Hermans, Patrick Reynaert, and Bert Serneels · Conference Proceeding · 2005 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2005; pp. 423 - 426
A 1.75GHz GSM-EDGE Polar Modulated CMOS RF Power Amplifier Patrick Reynaert and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2005 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2005; Vol. 48; pp. 312 - 313
A 0.18 mu m CMOS switched capacitor voltage modulator K Cornelissens, P Reynaert, and M Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2005 ESSCIRC 2005: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 31ST EUROPEAN SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE; 2005; pp. 375 - 378
Mixed-signal CMOS RF integrated circuits Michel Steyaert and Patrick Reynaert · Book Chapter · 2005 Article in Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering ; 2005; pp. 3095 - 3102
Fully Integrated CMOS RF Transceivers and Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2004 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC); 2004
Distortion in Supply Voltage Modulated CMOS RF Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2004 International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics; 2004
A state-space behavioral model for CMOS class E power amplifiers Patrick Reynaert, KLR Mertens, and MSJ Steyaert · Journal Article · 2003 IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems ; 2003; Vol. 22; iss. 2; pp. 132 - 138
Optimizing the dimensions of driver and power transistor in switching CMOS RF amplifiers Patrick Reynaert, Koen Mertens, and Michel Steyaert · Journal Article · 2002 Analog integrated circuits and signal processing ; 2002; Vol. 32; iss. 2; pp. 177 - 182
Performance study of CMOS power amplifiers K Mertens, P Reynaert, and M Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2001 European Solid-State Circuits Conference; 2001; pp. 425 - 428
Performance study of CMOS power amplifiers Koen Mertens, Patrick Reynaert, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2001 Proceedings of the European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2001; pp. 440 - 443