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Differential and common mode stability analysis of differential mm-wave CMOS amplifiers with capacitive neutralization Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2014 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing ; 2014; Vol. 80; iss. 1; pp. 1 - 12
A 0.54 THz Signal Generator in 40 nm Bulk CMOS With 22 GHz Tuning Range and Integrated Planar Antenna Wouter Steyaert and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2014 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2014; Vol. 49; iss. 7; pp. 1617 - 1626
A smart robot contest, based on a versatile electronics platform, entices bachelor students to opt for electrical engineering education Hans De Clercq, Valentijn De Smedt, Jelle Van Rethy, Piet Callemeyn, Jeroen Lecoutere, Niels Van Thienen, Hans Reyserhove, Bob Puers, Patrick Reynaert, Georges Gielen, and Wim Dehaene · Other · 2014
E-band Transformer-based Doherty Power Amplifier in 40 nm CMOS Ercan Kaymaksut and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2014 IEEE , ; 2014; pp. 167 - 170
A 6-b UWB subsampling track & hold with 5.5-GHz ERBW in 40 nm CMOS Maarten Strackx, Emiliano D'Agostino, Paul Leroux, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 2014 IEEE RADIO FREQUENCY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SYMPOSIUM; 2014; pp. 61 - 64
Design of a frequency reference based on a PVT-independent transmission line delay Florian De Roose, Valentijn De Smedt, Wouter Volkaerts, Michiel Steyaert, Georges Gielen, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ; 2014; pp. 1772 - 1775
A 120 GHz Fully Integrated 10 Gb/s Short-Range Star-QAM Wireless Transmitter With On-Chip Bondwire Antenna in 45 nm Low Power CMOS Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2014 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2014; Vol. 49; iss. 7; pp. 1606 - 1616
14.1 A 0.9V 20.9dBm 22.3%-PAE E-band power amplifier with broadband parallel-series power combiner in 40nm CMOS D Zhao and P Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference; 2014; Vol. 57; pp. 248 - 249
20.1 A 40nm CMOS receiver for 60GHz discrete-carrier indoor localization achieving mm-precision at 4m range T Redant, T Ayhan, N De Clercq, M Verhelst, P Reynaert, and W Dehaene · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference; 2014; Vol. 57; pp. 342 - 343
Reconfigurable RF PWM PA architecture for efficiency enhancement at power back-off Brecht François and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Proceedings of the IEEE ; 2014; pp. 1 - 3
Design of a compact UWB imaging sensor Bram Faes, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Other · 2014
A Transformer-Coupled True-RMS Power Detector in 40nm CMOS Brecht François and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2014; Vol. 57; pp. 62 - 63
A Push-Pull mm-Wave Power Amplifier with < /0.8° AM-PM Distortion in 40nm CMOS Shailesh Kulkarni and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2014; Vol. 57; pp. 252 - 253
A 40nm CMOS Receiver for 60GHz Discrete-Carrier Indoor Localization Achieving mm-Precision at 4m Range Tom Redant, Tuba Ayhan, Nico De Clercq, Marian Verhelst, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC), 2014 IEEE International ; 2014; Vol. 57; pp. 342 - 343
A Dual-Mode Transformer-Based Doherty LTE Power Amplifier in 40nm CMOS Ercan Kaymaksut and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2014; Vol. 57; pp. 64 - 65
A 0.9V 20.9dBm 22.3%-PAE E-Band Power Amplifier with Broadband Parallel-Series Power Combiner in 40nm CMOS Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 IEEE International Solid-State CIrcuits Conference (ISSCC) ; 2014; Vol. 57; pp. 248 - 249
GASPAD: A General and Efficient mm-Wave Integrated Circuit Synthesis Method Based on Surrogate Model Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm Bo Liu, Dixian Zhao, Patrick Reynaert, and Georges Gielen · Journal Article · 2014 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems ; 2014; Vol. 33; iss. 2; pp. 169 - 182
Chips : meer, sneller, kleiner en wat doen we met de batterij ? Wim Dehaene and Patrick Reynaert · Book Chapter · 2014 Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 2014 ; 2014; pp. 63 - 70
Continuous-Time Digital Front-Ends for Multistandard Wireless Transmission Preface Wim Dehaene, Pieter AJ Nuyts, and Patrick Reynaert · Book Chapter · 2014 CONTINUOUS-TIME DIGITAL FRONT-ENDS FOR MULTISTANDARD WIRELESS TRANSMISSION; 2014; pp. VII - VIII
Frequency-Domain Analysis of Digital PWM-Based RF Modulators for Flexible Wireless Transmitters Pieter Nuyts, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Journal Article · 2014 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Fundamental Theory and Applications ; 2014; Vol. 61; iss. 1; pp. 238 - 246
Continuous-Time Digital Front-Ends for Multistandard Wireless Transmission Pieter Nuyts, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Book · 2014
THz imaging in CMOS at KU Leuven: status and some examples Wouter Steyaert and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2013 Proceedings of the Wireless Community's 14th Work Meeting: Wireless technologies for remote sensing; 2013
Presilicon Circuit-Aware Linear Least Squares Spectral Analysis for Time-Based Data Converters Tom Redant, Pieter Nuyts, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Journal Article · 2013 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2, Express Briefs ; 2013; Vol. 60; iss. 11; pp. 751 - 755
Design, Simulation and Measurement of a 120GHz On-Chip Antenna in 45 nm CMOS for High-Speed Short-Range Wireless Connectors Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2013 Proceedings of International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation ; 2013; Vol. 1; pp.
A 5Gb/s F-band ASK Transmitter in 45nm LP CMOS Noël Deferm, Juan Osorio, Anton de Graauw, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2013 A 5Gb/s F-band ASK Transmitter in 45nm LP CMOS ; 2013; pp. 296 - 299
A 60 GHz wide band Direct Downconversion Receiver in 40 nm CMOS Nico De Clercq, Wim Dehaene, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2013 Proceedings of the 8th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference ; 2013; pp. 9 - 12
A 60-GHz Dual-Mode Class AB Power Amplifier in 40-nm CMOS Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2013 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2013; Vol. 48; iss. 10; pp. 2323 - 2337
A 120GHz Fully Integrated 10Gb/s Wireless Transmitter with On-Chip Antenna in 45nm Low Power CMOS Noà L Deferm, Wouter Volkaerts, Juan Osorio, Anton de Graauw, Michiel Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2013 Proceedings of the ESSCIRC ; 2013; Vol. 39; pp. 331 - 334
FPGA based flexible UWB pulse transmitter using EM subtraction Maarten Strackx, Bram Faes, Emiliano D'Agostino, Paul Leroux, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2013 Electronics Letters ; 2013; Vol. 49; iss. 19; pp. 1243 - 1244
A 0.54 THz Signal Generator in 40 nm bulk CMOS with 22 GHz tuning range Wouter Steyaert and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2013 Proceedings of the 39th European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2013; pp. 411 - 414
A plastic waveguide receiver in 40nm CMOS with on-chip bondwire antenna Maarten Tytgat and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2013 IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) ; 2013; pp. 335 - 338
A 120GHz quadrature frequency generator with 16.2GHz tuning range in 45nm CMOS Wouter Volkaerts, Michiel Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2013 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2013 IEEE ; 2013; pp. 207 - 210
A Fully Digital PWM-based 1 to 3 GHz Multistandard Transmitter in 40-nm CMOS Pieter AJ Nuyts, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Conference Proceeding · 2013 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC) ; 2013; pp. 419 - 422
Millimeter Wave Antennas in CMOS for High-speed Wireless Links Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2013
Design of an Optimal Layout Polyphase Filter for Millimeter-Wave Quadrature LO Generation Shailesh Kulkarni, Dixian Zhao, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2013 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2, Express Briefs ; 2013; Vol. 60; iss. 4; pp. 202 - 206
W-band differential power amplifier design in 45 nm low power CMOS Noël Deferm, Juan Osorio, Anton de Graauw, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2013 Solid-State Electronics ; 2013; Vol. 82; pp. 41 - 45
Design, implementation and measurement of a 120 GHz 10 Gb/s phase-modulating transmitter in 65 nm LP CMOS Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2013 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing ; 2013; Vol. 75; iss. 1; pp. 1 - 19
Analysis and Optimization of Transformer-Based Power Combining for Back-Off Efficiency Enhancement Ercan Kaymaksut, Brecht François, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2013 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 1, Regular Papers ; 2013; Vol. 60; iss. 4; pp. 825 - 835
Topology selection for high-precision Vernier digital-to-time converters in standard CMOS Pieter Nuyts, Tom Redant, Stefaan Michielsen, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Journal Article · 2013 AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications ; 2013; Vol. 67; iss. 4; pp. 355 - 360
Extending dynamic range of RF PWM transmitters Brecht François, Pieter Nuyts, Wim Dehaene, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2013 Electronics Letters; 2013; Vol. 49; iss. 6; pp. 430 - 431
UWB spiral antenna for breast tumor detection Greet Baldewijns, Maarten Strackx, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Other · 2013 Dutch Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering: Book of abstracts ; 2013; pp. 128 - 128
Analysis and characterization of mismatches in outphasing transmitter Shailesh Kulkarni, Dixian Zhao, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2012 Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on ; 2012; pp. 169 - 172
A 60-GHz outphasing transmitter in 40-nm CMOS Dixian Zhao, Shailesh Kulkarni, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2012 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits; 2012; Vol. 47; iss. 12; pp. 3172 - 3183
Expanding the Stripline Measuring Set-up for the Characterisation of Conductive Gaskets up to 40 GHz Johan Catrysse, Filip Vanhee, Davy Pissoort, Christian Brull, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2012 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility; 2012; pp. 669 - 673
A CMOS Burst-Mode Transmitter With Watt-Level RF PA and Flexible Fully Digital Front-End Pieter Nuyts, Brecht François, Wim Dehaene, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2012 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2, Express Briefs ; 2012; Vol. 59; iss. 10; pp. 613 - 617
A 60 GHz Dual-Mode Power Amplifier with 17.4 dBm Output Power and 29.3% PAE in 40-nm CMOS Dixian Zhao, Shailesh Kulkarni, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2012 ESSCIRC ; 2012; pp. 337 - 340
A Measuring Setup for the Characterization of 'in-circuit' Conductive Gaskets up to 40 GHz Johan Catrysse, Filip Vanhee, Davy Pissoort, Christian Brull, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2012 Proceedings of EMC Europe 2012, Rome ; 2012; pp. 1 - 6
Energy Efficient Transmitters for LTE applications! Brecht François and Patrick Reynaert · Text Resource · 2012
A 186 to 212 GHz Downconverter in 90 nm CMOS Maarten Tytgat, Michiel Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2012 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves ; 2012; Vol. 33; iss. 11; pp. 1085 - 1103
Transformer-Based Uneven Doherty Power Amplifier in 90 nm CMOS for WLAN Applications Ercan Kaymaksut and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2012 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2012; Vol. 47; iss. 7; pp. 1659 - 1671
A Fully Digital Delay Line Based GHz Range Multimode Transmitter Front-End in 65-nm CMOS Pieter AJ Nuyts, Peter Singerl, Franz Dielacher, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Journal Article · 2012 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2012; Vol. 47; iss. 7; pp. 1681 - 1692
Introduction to the Special Issue on the 37th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) Atila Alvandpour, Patrick Reynaert, and Trond Ytterdal · Journal Article · 2012 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2012; Vol. 47; iss. 7; pp. 1511 - 1514
An Efficient High-Frequency Linear RF Amplifier Synthesis Method Based on Evolutionary Computation and Machine Learning Techniques Bo Liu, Noël Deferm, Dixian Zhao, Patrick Reynaert, and Georges Gielen · Journal Article · 2012 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems ; 2012; Vol. 31; iss. 7; pp. 981 - 993
Time Domain Model for Costas Loop Based QPSK Receiver Maarten Tytgat, Michiel Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2012 PRIME 2012; 8th Conference on Ph.D. Research in Microelectronics and Electronics; 2012; pp. 313 - 316
A Fully Integrated Watt-Level Linear 900-MHz CMOS RF Power Amplifier for LTE-Applications Brecht François and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2012 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques; 2012; Vol. 60; iss. 6; pp. 1878 - 1885
Ultra-Wideband transceiver radar for biomedical applications Maarten Strackx, Emiliano D'Agostino, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Other · 2012
A 60GHz Outphasing Transmitter in 40nm CMOS with 15.6dBm Output Power Dixian Zhao, Shailesh Kulkarni, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2012 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2012; Vol. 55; pp. 170 - 171
Fully micromachined W-band rectangular waveguide to grounded coplanar waveguide transition Hadi Ali Akbarian, Soheil Radiom, Vahid Tavakol, Patrick Reynaert, Bart Nauwelaers, Guy Vandenbosch, and Georges Gielen · Journal Article · 2012 IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation ; 2012; Vol. 6; iss. 5; pp. 533 - 540
Picosecond pulse generation with nonlinear transmission lines in 90-nm CMOS for mm-wave imaging applications Paramartha Indirayanti, Wouter Volkaerts, Wim Dehaene, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2012 Picosecond pulse generation with nonlinear transmission lines in 90-nm CMOS for mm-wave imaging applications ; 2012; pp. 885 - 888
The tapered matrix amplifier: a low-power high-gain broadband amplifier Brecht Machiels, Patrick Reynaert, and Michiel Steyaert · Journal Article · 2012 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing ; 2012; Vol. 73; iss. 3; pp. 961 - 972
Ultra-Wideband Transceiver Radar for Remote Sensing Biomedical Applications Maarten Strackx, Emiliano D'Agostino, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Other · 2011
Lighting the Way: Willy Sansen's impact on 40 years of analog IC design W Dahaene, GE Gielen, R Puers, P Reynaert, and MSJ Steyaert · Journal Article · 2011 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine; 2011; Vol. 3; iss. 1; pp. 27 - 34
Linearity-enhanced Low-Power Distributed Low-Noise Amplifier in CMOS Brecht Machiels, Patrick Reynaert, and Michiel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011
Burst Mode Operation as an Efficiency Enhancement Technique for RF power amplifiers Brecht François, Ercan Kaymaksut, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Proceedings of the IEEE; 2011
Synthesis of Integrated Passive Components for High-Frequency RF ICs Based on Evolutionary Computation and Machine Learning Techniques Bo Liu, Dixian Zhao, Patrick Reynaert, and Georges Gielen · Journal Article · 2011 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems ; 2011; Vol. 30; iss. 10; pp. 1458 - 1468
Design of an ultra-wideband transceiver for in vivo dosimetry (2) Maarten Strackx, Emiliano D'Agostino, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Other · 2011
Analysis of a digital UWB receiver for biomedical applications using equivalent-time sampling Maarten Strackx, Emiliano D'Agostino, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Proceedings of the 8th European Radar Conference ; 2011; pp. 206 - 209
Generation of Gbit/s modulated millimeter wave signals for measurement Maarten Tytgat, Michiel Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 2011 41st European Microwave Conference ; 2011; pp. 906 - 909
A Fully Integrated CMOS Power Amplifier For LTE-applications Using Clover Shaped DAT Brecht François and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Proceedings of the IEEE; 2011; pp. 303 - 306
CMOS Transformer-Based Uneven Doherty Power Amplifier for WLAN Applications Ercan Kaymaksut and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Proceedings of the IEEE; 2011; pp. 135 - 138
A Colpitts LC VCO with Miller-Capacitance Gm Enhancing and Phase Noise Reduction Techniques Lianming LI, Patrick Reynaert, and Michiel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 European Solid-State Circuits Conference; 2011; pp. 491 - 494
Ultra-Wideband Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Array With Wilkinson Power Divider Feeding Network Maarten Strackx, Karel Janssen, Emiliano D'Agostino, Guy Vandenbosch, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Conference Proceeding · 2011 11 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ULTRA-WIDEBAND (ICUWB) ; 2011; pp. 1 - 4
A 200 GHz Downconverter in 90 nm CMOS Maarten Tytgat, Michiel Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 European Solid-State Circuits Conference; 2011; pp. 239 - 242
A Fully Digital Delay-Line Based GHz-Range Multimode Transmitter Front-End in 65-nm CMOS Pieter AJ Nuyts, Peter Singerl, Franz Dielacher, Patrick Reynaert, and Wim Dehaene · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Proc. IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) ; 2011; pp. 395 - 398
Design consideration for CMOS RF and mm-wave power amplifiers Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 2011 Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium, MRRS-2011 - Proceedings; 2011; pp. 47 - 50
118GHz fundamental VCO with 7.8% tuning range in 65nm CMOS Wouter Volkaerts, Michiel Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Digest of Papers - IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium; 2011
A 94GHz Differential Power Amplifier in 45nm LP CMOS Noël Deferm, Juan Osorio, Anton de Graauw, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Digest of Papers - IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium; 2011
Efficiency and Linearity Analysis of a Burst Mode RF PA with Direct Filter Connection Brecht François, Peter Singerl, Andreas Wiesbauer, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2011 International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies; 2011; Vol. 3; iss. 3; pp. 329 - 338
A 60 GHz 14 dBm power amplifier with a transformer-based power combiner in 65 nm CMOS Dixian Zhao, Ying He, Lianming Li, Dieter Joos, Wim Philibert, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2011 International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies; 2011; Vol. 3; iss. 2; pp. 99 - 105
Global Optimization of Integrated Transformers for High Frequency Microwave Circuits Using a Gaussian Process Based Surrogate Model Bo Liu, Ying He, Patrick Reynaert, and Georges Gielen · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE) ; 2011; pp. 1101 - 1106
Analysis and design of series combining transformers for integrated Doherty power amplifiers Ercan Kaymaksut, Brecht François, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC), 2010 Asia-Pacific; 2011; pp. 1621 - 1624
Polar Modulation Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2011 IEEE Microwave Magazine ; 2011; Vol. 12; iss. 1; pp. 46 - 51
A 120GHz 10Gb/s Phase-Modulating Transmitter in 65nm LP CMOS Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2011 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference; 2011; pp. 290 - 291
A 60-GHz CMOS VCO Using Capacitance-Splitting and Gate-Drain Impedance-Balancing Techniques Lianming Li, Patrick Reynaert, and Michel Steyaert · Journal Article · 2011 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2011; Vol. 59; iss. 2; pp. 406 - 413
mm-Wave Circuit Design and Antennas in CMOS Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2011
CMOS RF Power Amplifiers for Mobile Communications Patrick Reynaert · Book Chapter · 2011 Multi-Mode/Multi-Band RF Transceivers for Wireless Communications ; 2011; pp. 377 - 408
Phenomenology Peter Reynaert and Jef Verschueren · Book Chapter · 2011 PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVES FOR PRAGMATICS; 2011; Vol. 10; pp. 217 - 221
Design Considerations for 60 GHz CMOS Power Amplifiers Ying He, Dixian Zhao, Lianming Li, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2010 Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2010; 2010; pp. 1613 - 1616
A 2.4 GHz fully integrated Doherty power amplifier using series combining transformer Ercan Kaymaksut and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2010 ESSCIRC 2010 - 36th European Solid State Circuits Conference; 2010; pp. 302 - 305
Measuring Material/Tissue Permittivity by UWB Time-domain Reflectometry Techniques Maarten Strackx, Emiliano D'Agostino, Guy Vandenbosch, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Conference Proceeding · 2010 3rd International Symposium on Applied Sciences in Biomedical and Communication Technologies (ISABEL 2010); 2010
Analysis of burst-mode RF PA with direct filter connection Brecht François, Patrick Reynaert, Wiesbauer Andreas, and Singerl Peter · Conference Proceeding · 2010 Proceedings of the IEEE; 2010; pp. 974 - 977
Design of an ultra-wideband transceiver for in vivo dosimetry Maarten Strackx, Emiliano d'Agostino, Paul Leroux, and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2010
A Fully Micromachined W-band Waveguide-to-Grounded Coplanar Waveguide Transition for 93-110 GHz applications Soheil Radiom, Hadi Ali Akbarian, Patrick Reynaert, Guy Vandenbosch, and Georges Gielen · Conference Proceeding · 2010 40TH EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE; 2010; pp. 668 - 670
60GHz power amplifier with distributed active transformer and local feedback Ying He, Lianming Li, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2010 Proceedings of the European Solid-state Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) 2010 ; 2010; pp. 314 - 317
A 60GHz 15.7mW Static Frequency Divider in 90nm CMOS Lianming Li, Patrick Reynaert, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 2010 ESSCIRC 2010 - 36th European Solid State Circuits Conference; 2010; pp. 246 - 249