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An Integrated Power Detector for a 5GHz RF PA Valdrin Qunaj, Umut Celik, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 14TH CONFERENCE ON PHD RESEARCH IN MICROELECTRONICS AND ELECTRONICS (PRIME 2018); 2018; pp. 141 - 144
A PCB-Embedding Scheme for LCP Ribbon Waveguide at D-band Joren Vaes, Ilja Ocket, Wan-Ling Tsai, Maarten Cauwe, Patrick Reynaert, and Bart Nauwelaers · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE/MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE SYMPOSIUM - IMS; 2018; Vol. 2018-June; pp. 382 - 385
THz Circuits in CMOS: Dream or Nightmare ? Kaizhe Guo, Wouter Steyaert, Alexander Standaert, Dragan Simic, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON MOBILE TERAHERTZ SYSTEMS (IWMTS); 2018; pp.
G(m) Stage and Passives in Deep-Scaled CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2018 5G AND E-BAND COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS IN DEEP-SCALED CMOS; 2018; pp. 25 - 37
5G and E-Band Communication Circuits in Deep-Scaled CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Book · 2018
A 14.8 dBm 20.3 dB Power Amplifier for D-band Applications in 40 nm CMOS Dragan Simic and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2018 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 IEEE RADIO FREQUENCY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SYMPOSIUM (RFIC); 2018; Vol. 2018-June; pp. 232 - 235
mm-Wave Dividers Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2018 5G AND E-BAND COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS IN DEEP-SCALED CMOS; 2018; pp. 103 - 119
5G and E-Band Communication Circuits in Deep-Scaled CMOS Conclusion Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Book Chapter · 2018 5G AND E-BAND COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS IN DEEP-SCALED CMOS; 2018; pp. 197 - 202
A Coupled-RTWO-Based Subharmonic Receiver Front-End for 5G E-Band Backhaul Links in 28nm Bulk CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2018 2018 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE - (ISSCC); 2018; Vol. 61; pp. 412 - +
A Flexible Low-Latency DC-to-4 Gbit/s Link Operating From -40 to +200°C in 28nm CMOS for Galvanically Isolated Applications Simon Ooms and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2018 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 IEEE RADIO FREQUENCY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SYMPOSIUM (RFIC); 2018; Vol. 2018-June; pp. 100 - 103
MM-wave and THz circuit design in standard CMOS technologies: challenges and opportunities Patrick Reynaert, Wouter Steyaert, Alexander Standaert, Dragan Simić, and Kaizhe Guo · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 IEEE ASIA PACIFIC MICROWAVE CONFERENCE (APMC); 2017; pp. 85 - 88
A 20Gbps 1.2GHz Full-Duplex Integrated AFE in 28nm CMOS for Copper Access Thibaut Gurné, Maarten Strackx, Maarten Tytgat, Jan Cools, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 ESSCIRC 2017 - 43RD IEEE EUROPEAN SOLID STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE; 2017; Vol. 43; pp. 107 - 110
Layout Optimizations for THz Integrated Circuit Design in Bulk Nanometer CMOS Wouter Steyaert and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Proceedings of the CSICS 2017; 2017; Vol. 2017-January; pp. 82 - 86
A 475-511GHz Radiating Source with SIW-based Harmonic Power Extractor in 40 nm CMOS Kaizhe Guo and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE SYMPOSIUM (IMS); 2017; pp. 95 - 98
An F-band Active Phase Shifter in 28nm CMOS Maxime De Wit and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE SYMPOSIUM (IMS); 2017; pp. 965 - 968
21.3 dBm 18.5 GHz-BW 8-way E-band power amplifier in 28 nm high performance mobile CMOS Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2017 Electronics Letters ; 2017; Vol. 53; iss. 19; pp. 1310 - 1312
A 120GHz In-Band Full-Duplex PMF Transceiver with Tunable Electrical-Balance Duplexer in 40nm CMOS Niels Van Thienen and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Proceedings of the ESSCIRC ; 2017; pp. 103 - 106
THz Electronics Design in Nanometer CMOS Wouter Steyaert · Dissertation · 2017
Permittivity Measurements in Millimeter Range of PTFE foams Alexander Standaert, Mohadig Rousstia, Saoer Sinaga, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ; 2017; Vol. 27; iss. 99; pp. 0 - 0
A 29-to-57GHz AM-PM Compensated Class-AB Power Amplifier for 5G Phased Arrays in 0.9V 28nm Bulk CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Proceedings IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Conference ; 2017; pp. 116 - 119
A High-Efficiency Linear Power Amplifier for 28GHz Mobile Communications in 40nm CMOS Yang Zhang and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 IEEE RADIO FREQUENCY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SYMPOSIUM (RFIC); 2017; Vol. 1; iss. 1; pp. 33 - 36
A 32 GHz20 dBm-PSAT Transformer-based Doherty Power Amplifier for multi-Gb/s 5G Applications in 28 nm Bulk CMOS Paramartha Indirayanti and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 IEEE RADIO FREQUENCY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS SYMPOSIUM (RFIC); 2017; pp. 45 - 48
Highly Tunable Triangular Wave UWB Baseband Pulse Generator with Amplitude Stabilization in 40 nm CMOS Bram Faes, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2, Express Briefs ; 2017; Vol. 64; iss. 5; pp. 505 - 509
Video Data Communication over Polymer Microwave Fiber Niels Van Thienen, Patrick Reynaert, Farhan Bin Khalid, Franz Dielacher, Thomas Liebetrau, and Dirk Hammerschmidt · Other · 2017
High-speed Single Cable Synchronization System for Data-converters Nico De Clercq, Robin Theunis, Patrick Reynaert, Paul Leroux, and Wim Dehaene · Journal Article · 2017 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing; 2017; Vol. 90; iss. 2; pp. 283 - 290
On the Design of Wideband Transformer-Based Fourth Order Matching Networks forE-Band Receivers in 28-nm CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2017; Vol. 52; iss. 8; pp. 2071 - 2082
Multiphase Digitally Controlled Oscillator for Future 5G Phased Arrays in 90 nm CMOS Arnout Devos, Marco Vigilante, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 Proceedings 2ND IEEE NORDIC CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS CONFERENCE (NORCAS) ; 2017; pp. 10 - 14
To EVM or Two EVMs?: An Answer to the Question Marco Vigilante, Earl McCune, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2017 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine ; 2017; Vol. 9; iss. 3; pp. 36 - 39
RF CMOS Patrick Reynaert, Wouter Steyaert, and Marco Vigilante · Book Chapter · 2017 Nanoelectronics ; 2017; Vol. 1; pp. 153 - 162
A 230.5-238.8-GHz Magnetically Coupled Triple-Push Oscillator with Inductive Tuning for Data Transmission in 45-nm CMOS Umut Çelik, Wouter Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2017 2017 13TH CONFERENCE ON PH.D. RESEARCH IN MICROELECTRONICS AND ELECTRONICS (PRIME); 2017; pp. 185 - 188
A 40nm bulk CMOS line driver for broadband communication Jan Cools and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2016 ESSCIRC Conference 2016: 42nd European Solid-State Circuits Conference; 2016; Vol. 2016-October; pp. 273 - 276
An OFDM based local positioning system Robin Theunis, Tuba Ayhan, Nico De Clercq, Paramartha Indirayanti, Tom Redant, Risang Gatot Yudanto, Johan Cockx, Frederik Petre, Patrick Reynaert, Marian Verhelst, Paul Leroux, and Wim Dehaene · Conference Proceeding · 2016 Indoor positioning and indoor navigation 2016 ; 2016; pp. 1 - 4
Radiation Hardened by Design, Low Jitter, 2.56 Gbps LVDS/SLVS Based Receiver in 65 nm CMOS Bram Faes, Jorgen Christiansen, Paulo Rodrigues Simoes Moreira, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Other · 2016
An 18Gbps Polymer Microwave Fiber (PMF) Communication Link in 40nm CMOS Niels Van Thienen, Yang Zhang, Maxime De Wit, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2016 Proceedings of the ESSCIRC ; 2016; Vol. 2016-October; pp. 483 - 486
Analysis of Hollow Circular Polymer Waveguides at Millimeter Wavelengths Alexander Standaert and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2016; Vol. 64; iss. 99; pp. 1 - 10
Polymer Microwave Fibers: a blend of RF, copper and optical communication Patrick Reynaert, Maarten Tytgat, Wouter Volkaerts, Alexander Standaert, Yang Zhang, Maxime De Wit, and Niels Van Thienen · Conference Proceeding · 2016 Proceedings of the ESSCIRC ; 2016; Vol. 2016-October; pp. 15 - 20
A Multi-Gigabit CPFSK Polymer Microwave Fiber Communication Link in 40 nm CMOS Niels Van Thienen, Wouter Volkaerts, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2016; Vol. 51; iss. 8; pp. 1952 - 1958
A 2.56 Gbps Radiation Hardened LVDS/SLVS Receiver in 65 nm CMOS Bram Faes, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Conference Proceeding · 2016
Fully integratable THz transmitters in Nanometer CMOS Wouter Steyaert and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2016 Proceedings of the EMN Meeting on Terahertz 2016 ; 2016; pp. 34 - 35
Doherty techniques for 5G RF and mm-wave Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert, Yuhe Cao, Marco Vigilante, and Paramartha Indirayanti · Conference Proceeding · 2016 Doherty techniques for 5G RF and mm-wave Power Amplifiers; 2016; pp. 1 - 2
Analysis and Design of an E-Band Transformer-Coupled Low-Noise Quadrature VCO in 28-nm CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2016; Vol. 64; iss. 4; pp. 1122 - 1132
A Flip-Chip Packaging Design With Waveguide Output on Single-Layer Alumina Board for E-Band Applications Yang Zhang and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2016; Vol. 64; iss. 4; pp. 1255 - 1264
mm-Wave dielectric waveguides as alternative to optical sensor Niels Van Thienen, Alexander Standaert, Bart Philippe, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2016
A 68.1-to-96.4GHz variable-gain low-noise amplifier in 28nm CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2016 International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) ; 2016; Vol. 59; pp. 360 - 362
A 60-GHz Power Amplifier with AM-PM Distortion Cancellation in 40-nm CMOS Shailesh Kulkarni and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2016 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2016; Vol. 64; iss. 7; pp. 2284 - 2291
Doherty techniques for 5G RF and mm-wave Power Amplifiers Patrick Reynaert, Yuhe Cao, Marco Vigilante, and Paramartha Indirayanti · Conference Proceeding · 2016 2016 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON VLSI DESIGN, AUTOMATION AND TEST (VLSI-DAT); 2016; pp.
mm-Wave CMOS design above 60 GHz Patrick Reynaert and Noël Deferm · Book Chapter · 2016 RF and mm-Wave Power Generation in Silicon ; 2016; pp. 361 - 380
Efficiency enhancement techniques for mm-Wave CMOS PAs: A tutorial Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2016 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RADIO-FREQUENCY INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY (RFIT); 2016; pp. 1 - 3
Energy-efficiency enhancement and linear amplifications: a transformer-based Doherty approach Patrick Reynaert and Ercan Kaymaksut · Book Chapter · 2016 RF and mm-Wave Power Generation in Silicon ; 2016; pp. 111 - 133
Millimeter Wave Oscillators and Transceivers in Nanoscale CMOS Wouter Volkaerts · Dissertation · 2015
Analysis and Experimental Verification of the HE11 Mode in Hollow PTFE Fibers Alexander Standaert, Patrick Reynaert, Rousstia Mohadig, and Sinaga Saoer · Conference Proceeding · 2015 2015 ASIA-PACIFIC MICROWAVE CONFERENCE (APMC), VOLS 1-3; 2015; Vol. 3; pp.
New measurement system for inline basis weight monitoring: Clean millimeter, wave-based system targeting synthetic nonwovens showing market potential N Deferm, T Redant, F Cloppenburg, T Gries, W Dehaene, and P Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 Nonwovens Industry; 2015; Vol. 46; iss. 12; pp. 48 - 50
A Multigigabit Polymer Microwave Fiber (PMF) Communication Link in 40nm CMOS Niels Van Thienen, Wouter Volkaerts, and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2015
A 25-102GHz 2.81-5.64mW Tunable Divide-by-4 in 28nm CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2015 IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (ASSCC) ; 2015; pp. 81 - 84
A THz Signal Source with Integrated Antenna for Non-Destructive Testing in 28nm bulk CMOS Wouter Steyaert and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Proceedings of IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC) ; 2015; pp. 117 - 120
A 280 ps - 7.5 ns UWB Pulse Generator with Amplitude Compensation in 40 nm CMOS Bram Faes, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB) ; 2015; pp. 1 - 4
Multi-standard wideband OFDM RF-PWM transmitter in 40nm CMOS Shailesh Kulkarni, Ibrahim Kazi, David Seebacher, Peter Singerl, Franz Dielacher, Wim Dehaene, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Proceedings of ESSCIRC ; 2015; Vol. 41; pp. 88 - 91
Pulsed UWB Radar Design for Remote Sensing Maarten Strackx · Dissertation · 2015
A Dual-Band E-Band Quadrature VCO with Switched Coupled Transformers in 28nm HPM bulk CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2015 IEEE ; 2015; Vol. 2015-November; pp. 119 - 122
Experimental validation of a compact model for EM reflection and transmission in multi-layered structures Bram Faes, Jeffrey Prinzie, Maarten Strackx, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Proc. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) ; 2015; Vol. 2015-July; pp. 905 - 909
Plastic waveguides for future communication networks Wouter Volkaerts, Niels Van Thienen, and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2015
A Fully Integrated Transformer-Coupled Power Detector With 5 GHz RF PA for WLAN 802.11ac in 40 nm CMOS Brecht Francois and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2015; Vol. 50; iss. 5; pp. 1 - 14
A mm-Precise 60 GHz Transmitter in 40 nm CMOS for Discrete-Carrier Indoor Localization Paramartha Indirayanti, Tuba Ayhan, Marian Verhelst, Wim Dehaene, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2015; Vol. 50; iss. 7; pp. 1604 - 1617
RF-through-Plastics: an Alternative to Copper and Optical Fiber Niels Van Thienen, Wouter Volkaerts, Maxime De Wit, Alexander Standaert, Yang Zhang, Piet De Pauw, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2015 MOST Informative ; 2015; iss. 11; pp. 15 - 19
On-chip and In-package Antennas for mm-Wave CMOS Circuits Niels Van Thienen, Wouter Steyaert, Yang Zhang, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Proceedings of 9th European Conference on; 2015; pp.
Transformer-Based Doherty Power Amplifiers for mm-Wave Applications in 40-nm CMOS Ercan Kaymaksut, Dixian Zhao, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2015; Vol. 63; iss. 4; pp. 1186 - 1192
A 90-GHz receiver in 40-nm CMOS for plastic waveguide links Maarten Tytgat, Niels Van Thienen, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing ; 2015; Vol. 83; iss. 1; pp. 55 - 64
KU Leuven demonstrates a 120GHz Gbps plastic fiber link at ISSCC 2015 Niels Van Thienen, Wouter Volkaerts, and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2015 DSP Valley Newsletter ; 2015; Vol. 16; iss. 2; pp. 16 - 16
CMOS Millimeter-Wave Power Amplifiers and Transmitters Dixian Zhao · Dissertation · 2015
An FSK Plastic Waveguide Communication Link in 40nm CMOS Wouter Volkaerts, Niels Van Thienen, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Digest of Technical Papers - IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 2015; Vol. 58; pp. 178 - U246
A 120 GHz QVCO with 16.2 GHz tuning range resistent against VCO pulling in 45 nm CMOS Wouter Volkaerts, Michiel Steyaert, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing; 2015; Vol. 82; iss. 2; pp. 359 - 368
An E-Band Power Amplifier With Broadband Parallel-Series Power Combiner in 40-nm CMOS Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2015; Vol. 63; iss. 2; pp. 683 - 690
Direct RF Subsampling Receivers Enabling Impulse-Based UWB Signals for Breast Cancer Detection Maarten Strackx, Emiliano D'Agostino, Paul Leroux, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems Ii-Express Briefs; 2015; Vol. 62; iss. 2; pp. 144 - 148
Direct RF Subsampling Receivers for Breast Cancer Detection with Impulse-Based UWB Signals Maarten Strackx, Emiliano D'Agostino, Paul Leroux, and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 2, Express Briefs ; 2015; Vol. 62; iss. 2; pp. 144 - 148
Highly Linear Fully Integrated Wideband RF PA for LTE-Advanced in 180-nm SOI Brecht Francois and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2015; Vol. 63; iss. 2; pp. 649 - 658
Gigabits reizen supersnel door plastic Wouter Volkaerts, Niels Van Thienen, and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2015
Millimeter-wave Packaging on Alumina Board for E-band CMOS Power Amplifiers Yang Zhang, Dixian Zhao, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2015 Power Amplifiers for Wireless and Radio Applications (PAWR), 2015 IEEE Topical Conference on. IEEE, 2015.; 2015; pp. 37 - 39
Highly adjustable mixer based UWB pulse generator architecture with leakage compensation integrated in 40 nm CMOS Bram Faes, Patrick Reynaert, and Paul Leroux · Journal Article · 2015 Electronics Letters ; 2015; Vol. 51; iss. 2; pp. 183 - 185
Design Techniques for CMOS RF Power Amplifiers Brecht François · Dissertation · 2015
CMOS Front Ends for Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication Systems Noël Deferm and Patrick Reynaert · Book · 2015
CMOS 60-GHz and E-band Power Amplifiers and Transmitters Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Book · 2015
A 40 nm CMOS E-Band Transmitter with Compact and Symmetrical Layout Floor-Plans Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2015; Vol. 50; iss. 11; pp. 2560 - 2571
Dual-Mode CMOS Doherty LTE Power Amplifier with Symmetric Hybrid Transformer Ercan Kaymaksut and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 2015; Vol. 50; iss. 9; pp. 1974 - 1987
A 40-nm CMOS E-Band 4-Way Power Amlifier with Neutralized Bootstrapped Cascode amplifier and Optimum Passive Circuits Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Journal Article · 2015 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques ; 2015; Vol. 63; iss. 12; pp. 4083 - 4089
KU Leuven pioniert met plastic dataverbinding Niels Van Thienen, Wouter Volkaerts, and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2014
A 160-GHz Three-Stage Fully-Differential Amplifier in 40-nm CMOS Niels Van Thienen and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2014 21st IEEE International Conference on ; 2014; pp. 144 - 147
CMOS Transformer-Based Doherty Power Amplifiers Ercan Kaymaksüt · Dissertation · 2014
A 3 Gb/S 64-QAM E-Band Direct-Conversion Transmitter in 40-nm CMOS Dixian Zhao and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 2014 IEEE ASIAN SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS CONFERENCE (A-SSCC); 2014; pp. 177 - 180
Reduction of Aliasing Effects of RF PWM Modulated Signals by Cross Point Estimation D Seebacher, P Singerl, C Schuberth, F Dielacher, Patrick Reynaert, and W Bosch · Journal Article · 2014 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 1, Regular Papers ; 2014; Vol. 61; iss. 11; pp. 3184 - 3192
A 60GHz transmitter in 40nm CMOS achieving mm-precision for discrete-carrier localization Paramartha Indirayanti Wisnuputri, Tuba Ayhan, Marian Verhelst, Wim Dehaene, and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 ESSCIRC ; 2014; pp. 291 - 294
A dual-notch +27dBm Tx-power electrical-balance duplexer B Van Liempd, J Craninckx, R Singh, Patrick Reynaert, S Malotaux, and JR Long · Conference Proceeding · 2014 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 40TH EUROPEAN SOLID-STATE CIRCUIT CONFERENCE (ESSCIRC 2014) ; 2014; Vol. 40; pp. 463 - 466
An E-Band Low-Noise Transformer-Coupled Quadrature VCO in 40nm CMOS Marco Vigilante and Patrick Reynaert · Conference Proceeding · 2014 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 40TH EUROPEAN SOLID-STATE CIRCUIT CONFERENCE ; 2014; pp. 423 - 426
A 0.54 THz signal generator in 40nm bulk CMOS (and possible applications) Wouter Steyaert and Patrick Reynaert · Other · 2014 Proceedings of imec-KULeuven CITEF seminar; 2014