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Millimeter Wave Oscillators and Transceivers in Nanoscale CMOS Wouter Volkaerts · Dissertation · 2015
Fully-integrated CMOS DC-AC Converters Piet Callemeyn · Dissertation · 2015
Integrated RF amplitude and phase modulators Willem Laflere · Dissertation · 2007
High voltage line drivers for xDSL in nanometer CMOS Bert Serneels · Dissertation · 2007
Low-noise amplification in CMOS high-frequency receivers Paul Leroux · Dissertation · 2004
High efficiency line drivers for xDSL Tim Piessens · Dissertation · 2003
Low power building blocks for CMOS wireless receivers Peter Vancorenland · Dissertation · 2003
High speed CMOS analog to digital converters Koen Uyttenhove · Dissertation · 2003
Monolithic CMOS Fractional-N Frequency Synthesizers Bram De Muer · Dissertation · 2002
Systematic design of analog IP macrocells Jan Vandenbussche · Dissertation · 2002
Deep Submicron CMOS Cellular Receiver Front-Ends Johan Janssens · Dissertation · 2001
CMOS interface circuits for optical communication Mark Ingels · Dissertation · 2000
High speed CMOS data converters Augusto Marques · Dissertation · 1999
Low-phase-noise fully integrated CMOS frequency synthesizers Jan Craninckx · Dissertation · 1997
Full integration of wireless transceiver systems Jan Crols · Dissertation · 1997
High speed A/D converters in standard CMOS technology Raf Roovers · Dissertation · 1996