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Optimal parameters for cascade ΔΣ modulators A Marques, V Peluso, M Steyaert, and W Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems; 1997; Vol. 1; pp. 61 - 64
Optimal parameters for cascade Delta Sigma modulators A Marques, V Peluso, M Steyaert, and W Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 ISCAS '97 - PROCEEDINGS OF 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS I - IV; 1997; pp. 61 - 64
A fully integrated spiral-LC CMOS VCO set with prescaler for GSM and DCS-1800 systems Jan Craninckx, Michel Steyaert, and H Miyakawa · Conference Proceeding · 1997 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1997; pp. 403 - 406
Optimal parameters for single loop delta-sigma modulators Vincenzo Peluso, Augusto Marques, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ; 1997; pp. 61 - 64
Optimal parameters for cascade delta-sigma modulators Augusto Marques, Vincenzo Peluso, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ; 1997; pp. 57 - 60
A 15-bit 2 MHz Nyquist rate delta-sigma ADC in a 1um CMOS technology Augusto Marques, Vincenzo Peluso, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1997; pp. 68 - 71
Custom analog low power design: the problem of low voltage and mismatch Michel Steyaert, Vincenzo Peluso, Jose Bastos, Peter Kinget, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1997; pp. 285 - 292
Optimal parameters for single loop ΔΣ modulators V Peluso, A Marques, M Steyaert, and W Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems; 1997; Vol. 1; pp. 57 - 60
Design of a 15 bit 2 MHz Delta-Sigma ADC in a 1 um CMOS technology Augusto Marques, Vincenzo Peluso, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) ; 1997; pp. 68 - 71
Low voltage power signal processing : an introduction to the switched opamp technique Vincenzo Peluso, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference (ECS) ; 1997; pp. 169 - 176
A skew tolerant CMOS level-based ATM data-recovery system without PLL topology Stefan Gogaert and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1997 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1997; pp. 453 - 456
Fully integrated low-phase-noise VCOs: from post-processing to standard CMOS Michel Steyaert, Jan Craninckx, Rudy van de Plassche, Johan Huijsing, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 ANALOG CIRCUIT DESIGN; 1997; pp. 331 - 358
Low phase-noise VCO circuits: from external components to full CMOS integration Michel Steyaert and Jan Craninckx · Conference Proceeding · 1997 International Conference on Noise in Physical Systems and 1/f Fluctuations ; 1997; pp. 171 - 176
Optimal parameters for single loop Delta Sigma modulators V Peluso, A Marques, M Steyaert, and W Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 ISCAS '97 - PROCEEDINGS OF 1997 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, VOLS I - IV; 1997; pp. 57 - 60
A fully differential 1.5V low-power CMOS operational amplifier with a rail-to-rail current-regulated constant-gm input stage Erik Peeters, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1997 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1997; pp. 75 - 78
An oscillator circuit for electrostatically driven silicon-based one-port resonators J Bienstman, HAC Tilmans, EJEA Peeters, M Steyaert, and RR Puers · Conference Proceeding · 1996 SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL; 1996; Vol. 52; iss. 1-3; pp. 179 - 186
RF CMOS Design : Some untold pitfalls Michel Steyaert, Marc Borremans, Jan Craninckx, Jan Crols, Johan Janssens, and Peter Kinget · Conference Proceeding · 1996 ANALOG CIRCUIT DESIGN; 1996; pp. 63 - 68
An analytical model of planar inductors on lowly doped silicon substrates for high frequency analog design up to 3 GHz Jan Crols, Peter Kinget, Jan Craninckx, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits ; 1996; pp. 28 - 29
A 1.8-GHz low-phase-noise spiral-LC CMOS VCO Jan Craninckx and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits ; 1996; pp. 30 - 31
Evaluation of CNN template robustness towards VLSI implementation P Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 International journal of circuit theory and applications ; 1996; Vol. 24; iss. 1; pp. 111 - 120
RF integrated circuits in standard CMOS technologies Michel Steyaert, Marc Borremans, Jan Craninckx, Jan Crols, Johan Janssens, and Peter Kinget · Conference Proceeding · 1996 European Solid-State Circuits Conference; 1996
A switched opamp 1.5V - 100uW sigma-delta modulator with 12 bits dynamic range Vincenzo Peluso, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1996; pp. 256 - 259
RF CMOS design, some untold pitfalls Michel Steyaert, Marc Borremans, Jan Craninckx, Jan Crols, Johan Janssens, and Peter Kinget · Conference Proceeding · 1996 Workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design; 1996
High speed CMOS analog interface circuits for single chip telecommunication systems Michel Steyaert, Jan Craninckx, Jan Crols, Stefan Gogaert, and Mark Ingels · Conference Proceeding · 1996 workshop Iberchip ; 1996
622 Mbit/s communicatie link voor BISDN / ATM Stefan Gogaert, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 CTO Forum Hoge-snelheidsnetwerken; 1996
A power-supply decoupling method for mixed-mode low voltage, low power integrated circuits Mark Ingels and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1996; pp. 144 - 147
Internet componenten voor de toekomst : hoge snelheid optische data communicatie Mark Ingels, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 CTO forum - spitstechnologie voor kotnet; 1996
A double quadrature topology for high accuracy upconversion in CMOS transmitters Jan Crols, Peter Kinget, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1996; pp. 200 - 203
Matching of MOS transistors with different layout styles Jose Bastos, Michel Steyaert, B Graindourze, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures ; 1996; pp. 17 - 18
A high yield 12-bit 250-MS/s CMOS D/A converter Jose Bastos, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1996; pp. 431 - 434
HF measurement procedure for fully differential building blocks Erik Peeters, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference ; 1996; Vol. 2; pp. 1496 - 1501
Impact of transistor mismatch on the speed-accuracy-power trade-off of analog CMOS circuits Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1996; pp. 333 - 336
A 1 Ghz CMOS upconversion mixer Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1996; pp. 197 - 200
ORCA : a high-level architectural exploration and optimization tool for analog RF receiver front-ends Georges Gielen, Stefan Donnay, Jan Crols, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 Electronic Design Automation Conference; 1996
A 50 MHz, standard CMOS, pulse equalizer for hard disk read channels Wim Dehaene, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1996; pp. 52 - 55
ORCA: a high-level architectural exploration and optimization tool for analog RF receiver front-ends Georges Gielen, Stefan Donnay, Jan Crols, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 EDA-Traff; 1996
An analog parallel array processor for real-time sensor signal processing Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1996; Vol. 39; pp. 92 - 93
Design of continuous time bandpass sigma-delta modulators in CMOS Vincenzo Peluso, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 Workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design; 1996; pp. 171 - 191
Influence of die attachement on MOS transistor matching Jose Bastos, Michel Steyaert, B Graindourze, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures ; 1996; pp. 27 - 31
Test structures for HF characterization of fully differential building blocks Erik Peeters, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1996 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures ; 1996; pp. 179 - 183
A fully integrated 900MHz CMOS double quadrature downconverter Jan Crols and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1995; Vol. 38; pp. 136 - 137
622 Mbit/s board-to-board link in 0.5 um CMOS technology Stefan Gogaert, Michel Steyaert, and Vincenzo Peluso · Conference Proceeding · 1995 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1995; pp. 447 - 450
An oscillator circuit for electrostatically driven silicon-based one- port resonators Jan Bienstman, HAC Tilmans, Michel Steyaert, and Robert Puers · Conference Proceeding · 1995 International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators ; 1995; Vol. 1; pp. 146 - 149
CMOS Single-Chip RF Communication Systems : Wishful Thinking or Reality Michel Steyaert, Jan Craninckx, and Jan Crols · Conference Proceeding · 1995 IEEE International Topical Meeting Nomadic Microwave Technologies and Techniques for Mobile Communications and Detection (NMTTMCD) ; 1995; pp. 145 - 152
A monolithic all-CMOS embedded servo channel for hard disk drives M Walsh, D Dalton, P Griffin, P Quinlan, P Real, J Spalding, K Deevy, Jan Craninckx, Wim Dehaene, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1995; pp. 98 - 101
A high level design methodology for the power optimisation of highly integrated receiver architectures Jan Crols and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1995; pp. 442 - 445
Analog CMOS interface circuits for single-chip digital telecommunication systems: the challenge of the future Michel Steyaert, Jan Craninckx, Jan Crols, Stefan Gogaert, and Mark Ingels · Conference Proceeding · 1995 SITEL, HF electronics/communications ; 1995; iss. 3; pp. 41 - 57
A 1.75-GHz/3-V dual-modulus divide-by-128/129 prescaler in 0.7-um CMOS Jan Craninckx and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1995; pp. 254 - 257
Statistics for matching A Pergoot, B Graindourze, Edmond Janssens, Jose Bastos, Michel Steyaert, Peter Kinget, Raf Roovers, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1995 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures ; 1995; pp. 193 - 197
A CMOS 1.8GHz low-phase-noise voltage-controlled oscillator with prescaler Jan Craninckx and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1995; Vol. 38; pp. 266 - 267
175 MS/s, 6 bit, 160 mW, 3.3 V CMOS A/D converter Raf Roovers and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1995; pp. 134 - 137
A 100 MHz highly accurate CMOS zero-phase detector for timing recovery systems Wim Dehaene, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1995 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1995; pp. 258 - 261
Low-phase-noise gigahertz voltage controlled oscillators in CMOS Jan Craninckx and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 Workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design; 1995
Single-chip telecommunication systems : Wishful thinking or reality Michel Steyaert, Jan Craninckx, Jan Crols, Stefan Gogaert, and Mark Ingels · Conference Proceeding · 1995 SITEL studiedag on Microelectronics in telecommunication; 1995
CMOS single-chip RF communication systems: wishful thinking or reality Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 Analog Devices Limerick. Divisional engineering conference ; 1995; pp. 10 - ...
A 10 ps resolution 1.6 ns tuning range CMOS delay line for clock deskewing in data recovery systems Stefan Gogaert and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1995; pp. 54 - 57
An analog integrated polyphase filter for a high performance low-IF receiver Jan Crols and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits ; 1995; pp. 87 - 88
Single-chip CMOS integration of photodiodes and optical transmitter for low cost 155 Mb/s optical links Mark Ingels and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1995 European Conference on Optical Communication ; 1995; Vol. 1; pp. 457 - 460
A high-level design and optimization tool for analog RF receiver front-ends Jan Crols, Stefan Donnay, Michel Steyaert, and Georges Gielen · Conference Proceeding · 1995 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design ; 1995; pp. 550 - 553
Mismatch characterization of small size MOS transistors Jose Bastos, Michel Steyaert, Raf Roovers, Peter Kinget, Willy Sansen, B Graindourze, A Pergoot, and Edmond Janssens · Conference Proceeding · 1995 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures ; 1995; pp. 271 - 276
A cmos 18-thz-omega 240-mb/s transimpedance amplifier and 155-mb/s led-driver for low-cost optical-fiber links M Ingels, Mark Ingels, Geert Van der Plas, Jan Crols, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 1994; Vol. 29; iss. 12; pp. 1552 - 1559
Switched-opamp - an approach to realize full cmos switched-capacitor circuits at very-low power-supply voltages J Crols and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits ; 1994; Vol. 29; iss. 8; pp. 936 - 942
Impact of system specifications on analogue CMOS implementations of continuously programmable cellular neural networks Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks ; 1994; Vol. 3; pp. 1949 - 1954
A CMOS 240Mb/s optical receiver with a transimpedance- bandwidth of 18THz Michel Steyaert, Mark Ingels, Jan Crols, and Geert Van der Plas · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1994; Vol. 37; pp. 182 - 183
Input/output hardware strategies for cellular neural networks Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks ; 1994; Vol. 3; pp. 1899 - 1902
Analog integrated polyphase filters Michel Steyaert and Jan Crols · Conference Proceeding · 1994 Workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design; 1994; pp. 149 - 166
Analogue CMOS VLSI implementation of cellular neural networks with continuously programmable templates Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ; 1994; Vol. 6; pp. 367 - 370
Design of CMOS A/D converters with folding and/or interpolating techniques Raf Roovers and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEE International Conference on ADDA ; 1994; iss. 393; pp. 76 - 81
Low impedance CMOS input cell Jose Bastos, Michel Steyaert, S Finco, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1994 SBMICRO; 1994
Evaluation of CNN template robustness towards VLSI implementation Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications (CNNA) ; 1994; pp. 381 - 386
A full CMOS 1.5 GHz highly linear broadband downconversion mixer Jan Crols and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1994; pp. 248 - 251
A CMOS rectifier-integrator for amplitude detection in hard disk servo loops Wim Dehaene, Jan Craninckx, Michel Steyaert, M Walsh, and P Real · Conference Proceeding · 1994 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1994; pp. 116 - 119
Implementation of arithmetic functions using threshold (neural) circuits Rudy Lauwereins, Peter Kinget, Michel Steyaert, and J Bruck · Conference Proceeding · 1994 Neural Networks for Computing Conference ; 1994; pp. 50 - ...
A programmable analogue CMOS chip for high speed image processing based on cellular neural networks Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1994 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1994; pp. 570 - 573
A 100 MHz 8 bit CMOS interpolating A/D converter Michel Steyaert, Raf Roovers, and Jan Craninckx · Conference Proceeding · 1993 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference ; 1993; pp. 28 - ...
Sensor Interface Systems Robert Puers, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1993 Advances in Analog Circuit Design (AACD) ; 1993; pp. 179 - 200
Switched-opamp, a technique for realising full CMOS switched-capacitor filters at very low voltages Michel Steyaert, Jan Crols, and Stefan Gogaert · Conference Proceeding · 1993 European Solid-State Circuits Conference ; 1993; Vol. 1; pp. 178 - 181
Low-voltage analog CMOS filter design Michel Steyaert, Jan Crols, Stefan Gogaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ; 1993; Vol. 2; pp. 1447 - 1450
Opamp design towards maximum Gain-Bandwidth Michel Steyaert and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1992 Advances in Analog Circuit Design ; 1992; pp. 59 - 80
A low power eight channel EMG measuring system with bidirectional telemetry link Stefan Gogaert, Michel Steyaert, Tony Van Nuland, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1992 International Symposium on Biotelemetry (XII); 1992
Analog VLSI implementation of Neural Networks Peter Kinget and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1992 Interdisciplinair Centrum voor Neurale Netwerken (Poster) ; 1992; pp. 43 - 49
150 Mbit/s CMOS LED-driver and PIN-receiver IC for Optical Communication Michel Steyaert and Mark Ingels · Conference Proceeding · 1992 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference; 1992
A 10.7 MHz CMOS OTA-R-C bandpass filter with 68 dB dynamic range and on-chip automatic tuning Michel Steyaert and J Silva-Martinez · Conference Proceeding · 1992 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) ; 1992; Vol. 1992-February; pp. 66 - 67
Voltage versus current driven high frequency EIT Sytems Ben Geeraerts, Wim Van Petegem, Wim Dehaene, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1992 IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) ; 1992; Vol. 14; pp. 1703 - 1704
Hoogperformante signaalomzetters voor ISDN toepassingen Michel Steyaert and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1991 VILv-blad Bijlage Academische Tijdingen ; 1991; pp. 1 - 4
High dynamic range wide-band amplifiers in BiCMOS technology Z Chang, Willy Sansen, and Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1991 IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits ; 1991; Vol. 26; iss. 11; pp. 1681 - 1688
A first order current-steering sigma-delta modulator V Comino, Michel Steyaert, and G Temes · Conference Proceeding · 1991 IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits ; 1991; Vol. 26; iss. 3; pp. 176 - 183
High Frequency Power Supply Rejection Ratio in Analog Circuits Michel Steyaert · Conference Proceeding · 1991 IEEE Forth annual IEEE international ASIC Conference and Exhibit (ASIC) ; 1991
A low power portable telemetry system for eight channel EMG measurements Michel Steyaert, Stefan Gogaert, Tony Van Nuland, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1991 IEEE Engineering In Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) ; 1991; Vol. 13; iss. 4; pp. 1711 - 1712
Interference Aspects in Mixed Analog and Digital ASIC Design Michel Steyaert and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1991 4th International Forum on ASIC and Transducer Technology ; 1991; pp. 173 - 178
A 1 GHz single chip quadrature modulator without external trimming Michel Steyaert and Raf Roovers · Conference Proceeding · 1991 European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) ; 1991; pp. 261 - 264
A novel approach for the automatic tuning of continuous time filters J Silva-Martinez, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits And Systems (ISCAS) ; 1991; Vol. 3; pp. 1452 - 1455
High Performance OTA-R-C continuous time filters with full CMOS low distortion floating resistors Michel Steyaert, J Silva-Martinez, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1991 European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) ; 1991; pp. 5 - 8
A first-order current-steering sigma-delta modulator V Comino, M Steyaert, and GC Temes · Conference Proceeding · 1990 Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems; 1990; Vol. 2; pp. 894 - ...
A full 1.2µm CMOS ECL-CMOS-ECL convertor with subnanosecond settling times Michel Steyaert, W Bijker, P Vorenkamp, and Jan Sevenhans · Conference Proceeding · 1990 IEEE Custum Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1990; pp. 11 - ...
A first order current-steering sigma-delta modulator V Comino, Michel Steyaert, and G Temes · Conference Proceeding · 1990 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) ; 1990; pp. 6 - ...
Simulations for Electrical Impedance Tomography Wim Van Petegem, Michel Steyaert, and Willy Sansen · Conference Proceeding · 1990 Electrical Impedance Tomography Workshop (EIT) ; 1990; pp. 234 - 241