Event - 21 August 2023

PhD Defence: Thomas Bos

Ultrasonic Communication Through the Human Body: Channels, Modems and Hardware for Ultrasonic Communication Connections


Implanted medical devices aid in the localized diagnosis or treatment of several major diseases These devices typically include a wireless in body communication link to enable remote monitoring, configuration, and control State of the art ultrasound based systems employ large, bulky transducers not suitable for implantation, they lack a hardware proof of concept in an energy constrained setup, or they apply a non multipath tolerant communication modem This work aims to advance the in body communication link distance, reliability, and miniaturization through ultrasound wave technology.


21/8/2023 14:00 - 16:00


Aula Arenbergkasteel, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94, 3001 Leuven