Event - 19 April 2024

Chip Bonding, Dicing and Packaging at MICAS

Lectured by Rudi Vanlaer and Donald Raddoux


The Micas IC lab provides inhouse capabilities for wafer dicing, chip bonding, flipchip and packaging. An overview of the available methods and machines will be presented, together with chip and pcb design recommendations and considerations for each method or machine. Common questions like "how much space do I need between different designs on a tapeout?" or "What is the minimum bondpad pitch that I need to respect for an easy bonding?" will be answered. A few common pitfalls will be discussed with some examples of bonding/packaging challenges encoutered during the last years and some video's of bonding and dicing processes will be shown to give you an insight in what happens to your chip between its return from the foundry and the start of your measurements.


19/4/2024 11:00 - 12:00


ESAT 01.62